
What is the Best Soul Shield Now

Por Leo Jiang
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What is the best soul shield now? Going to have to disagree on a couple of those. Fresh 50 should be full Northern Critical. People should be going from the story shields (moonwater/jiangshi) straight to northern crits in Blade and Soul. Replacing once they get 2-3 well rolled other crit shields and they can move right into fusing.


Status damage on challenger is only worth it for specific boss fights with specific classes in BNS (BD/Destro/SMN). Otherwise it is just a straight DPS loss. The piercing is not relevant and does not increase your DPS for the majority of content.


What soul shields people should get, so to clean up the posts a little. Remember, the BiS soul shield is the same for ALL CHARACTERS. It does not depend on what class you are, everyone is heavily reliant on crit and accuracy.

What is the Best Soul Shield NowFor the best PvP shields: One blanket shield like that won't be good in all situations. If you are fighting a mix of people with/without crit defense not having any critical stat will hurt over world clear. These shields are class dependent as well especially in over world. You should be min/maxing defense and piercing to combat pet usage and your opponents’ lack of critical stat. Not to mention the shields are worthless without mentioning fuses. Against people who are running a full crit defense setup, you shouldn't be running the same.


The BiS level 50 soul shields patch should be:

Low accuracy set (use this if you have less than 1,300 accuracy with no piece 6 equipped, for people around 500 AP/True Siren accessories): 12,348 Asura + 567 Be Ido/Twisted.


50 with a little bit of money (will be replaced soon, don't try too hard to get perfect rolls on these, for people around 450 AP/Awakened Infernal accessories) Full Northern Critical/Full Yeti/some mix of Yeti and Scorpio.

What is the Best Soul Shield NowStandard set (for people around 550 AP/Awakened [boss] accessories): 12,468 Asura + 357 Be Ido/Twisted.


Fresh 50 (will be replaced soon, don't try too hard to get perfect rolls on these, for people around 400 AP/Awakened Infernal accessories): 57 Bloodshade + some Labyrinth Bloodshade mix/Full Silverfrost Valor.


High geared (for people around 600 AP/True [boss] accessories): 12,468 Asura + 357 Oblivion. Very high geared/Tower of Infinity (not many people can do this, might not even be better than the set up there):13,567 Asura + 248 Challenger. Whirlwind Valley 6v6: 12,357 Naksun + 468 Labyrinth/124 Sparring + 35,678 Challenger.


Secondary stats: Critical > Accuracy > HP > Defense > Block = Evasion (may or may not be the case for tank set).


Infusions: Northern Critical (poor), Silverfrost Crafted/Artisanal Critical Primer (rich), Jomu Accuracy (only if you have like infernal earring), Silverfrost Crafted/Artisanal Reflex Primer (6v6).

What is the Best Soul Shield NowMany soul shields follow the same format as to what stats they give. Each of these progressions give the same primary and secondary rolls on every piece, but the later ones simply have higher numbers. The soul shield progression for the rest of the year is:


Bloodshade (BSH) -> Yeti (Avalanche Den) -> Be Ido (Sundered Nexus) -> Twisted (Twisted Grimhorn Wilds + Zaiwei Ruins + Gloomdross Incursion + Shattered Masts) -> Oblivion (Desolate Tomb) Labyrinth (Naryu Labyrinth) -> Asura (Sogun's Lament) -> Ebondrake (Ebondrake Citadel)

Endless Tower (Mushin's Tower F4-7) -> Mushin (Mushin's Tower F8.1-8.2) -> Scorpio (Awakened Necropolis) -> Sparring (Tower of Infinity F20-29) -> Naksun (Mushin's Tower F12-15) -> Challenger (Tower of Infinity F30+).


Once new dungeons are released, replace each piece with the piece that follows it in the same list. For example, if you currently have 12,348 Asura + 567 Yeti, you should work toward 12,348 Asura + 567 be Ido/Twisted next.


So the best soul shields for the end of this year are:

PvE (your class's legendary SS effect is literally useless, or you're lazy): 12,468 Ebondrake + 357 Oblivion. High level PvE (your class has bad 8 piece legendary SS effect, requires tons of grinding and probably a clan): 12,345 Night Wind + 678 Oblivion.


PvP: 124 Sparring + 35,678 Challenger

Secondary stats: Crit > Accuracy > HP > Defense > Block = Evasion (may or may not be the case for tank set). Infusions: Silverfrost Crafted/Artisanal/Masterwork Critical (PvE), Silverfrost Crafted/Artisanal/Masterwork Reflex (OW PvP).

What is the Best Soul Shield NowFor more information of Blade and Soul, welcome to


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