
DFO: Five Activities Will Come This Evening

Por Shirley Huang
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Good News! DFO five activities are coming this evening. Most players would like to ready more dfo gold in advance, but many of them have no time or energy, so they would like to choose to buy dfo gold instead of grinding gold by themselves. Here would like to share with you the updated news that come from the official site.

Ranking Top 3 during searching “dfo gold” in google, mmogah is cited as the best place to buy dfo gold by many players.


dfo five event-1

Dark Dimension, Signs of a Rift



The Dark Dimension: Signs of a Rift content will be added.

The new area, The Erlox - Dark Dimension will be added.



New Episode quests will be added.

The new NPC - Santorini will be added to The Erlox - Dark Dimension.



You must be at least Level 100 to access this content.

You can enter it after completing the Episode quest, [Dark Dimension] Remaining Threat.

This quest is unlocked after the Episode quest, [Dark Dimension] A Wind from Far Away.



The Prayer for Light and Life buff will be applied.


Explorer Club Challenges

The new Explorer Club challenge, Professional Rift Mender will be added.
Complete this challenge to receive a cosmetic reward.

You can check your progress in the Challenges > Content menu in the Explorer Club window.​


Traces of the Dark Miscreation

Dungeon Info

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Rift Stability

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Dungeon Drop Rewards


The Dark Miscreation's Garden

Dungeon Info

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Entry UI

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Stop the Dark Miscreation

Deterrence Points per Floor



Dark Dimension: Elite Member APC System

APC System - The Elite Member APC System will be added.

Support APC

APC Skill System


Farming Content and Rewards Improvement

Equipment Changes

Level 100 Unique and Legendary Equipment Set Options will be divided.

New options will be added only to the 5 Set Options of the Empyrean Combat Uniform set. Other set options will be comprised of divisions of the original set options. 


Dungeon Drops Changes

Drop rates for Epic items will be added or increased in the following dungeons.

Ghent Palace

Land of Memories

Bottomless Tunnel

Basement of Pain

Black Shrine


Dungeon Changes



Farming Content Below Level 100 Improvements

The cost for purchasing Tayberrs Epics will be changed

The cost for upgrading Tayberrs Epics will be changed.

Upgraded equipment and Refund Pots will be added to the Fiend War/Prey-Isys Raid Shop.


The Most Epic of them All

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Time: Aug 4 - Sep 15

The most epic event of summer 2020!

Daily Time’s guide stones and Level 100 epic transcendent stone available!

A one in a lifetime chance to get daily Time's Guide Stones and an Epic Weapon Transcendent Stone!
Gather Mystical Keys and open Luminous Lost Treasures every day!

Path of the Seasoned Surfer

Tracks of the Dark Miscreation


Upgrade the Upgrade of an Upgrade's Upgrade

Time: Aug 4 - Sep 1

Reach your max potential through upgradeable upgrades during the event.

Buy the [Event] Level 100 Temporary Epic Box

Upgrade the Temporary Epic

Equipment Upgrade Spells

Details of Reinforcing/Amplifying/Refining Spells.



Equipment Reinforcing Spells obtained through this method
Temporary Epic Equipment obtained from the Level 100 Temporary Epic Box. 


Gather Upgrade Coins ( earned from upgrading and use them to buy some items from the NPC Little MingJ Shop.


Lastly, for more dfo news or guides, please visit our site mmogah.



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