
Best Dragon Builds and Weapon Combos in Elden Ring SotE

Por Shirley Huang
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In Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree (SotE), several dragon-themed builds and weapons stand out for their effectiveness and uniqueness, allowing players to maximize their damage and embrace new playstyles. To fully optimize these builds, consider acquiring Elden Ring runes that enhance your chosen playstyle and abilities. Here's a summary of the top dragon builds you should consider:

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Dragonslayer Build

This build is centered around the dragon hunters great katana elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200pxDragon-Hunter's Great Katana, a hybrid weapon that excels in slaying dragons and offers a special weapon skill for enhanced physical damage. It's ideal for an aggressive playstyle, focusing on defeating enemies quickly before they can retaliate.

Secondary Weapon: use the Dragon Communion Seal to cast powerful dragon incantations.

Armor: Bull-Goat Set provides high poise and defense, allowing you to withstand heavy attacks.

Talismans: Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman, Lord of Blood's Exultation, Two-Handed Sword Talisman, and Axe Talisman. These talismans enhance your damage output and survivability. The Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman boosts your defense, while the Lord of Blood's Exultation increases your attack power when you inflict bleed damage.

Incantations: Use Agheel's Flame and Borealis's Mist to deal massive damage to dragons and other enemies.


How to Get Them

• Dragon Hunter's Great Katana: Found in the new DLC area, dropped by a powerful dragon boss. To enhance your arsenal quickly, you may consider buying this DLC weapon from trusted sources.

• Dragon Communion Seal: Located in the Fringefolk Hero's Grave.

• Bull-Goat Set: Obtained by defeating Great Horned Tragoth.

• Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman: Found in the Dragonbarrow Cave.

• Lord of Blood's Exultation: Rewarded after completing the questline involving Mohg, Lord of Blood.

• Two-Handed Sword Talisman: Found in the Altus Plateau.

• Axe Talisman: Located in the Mistwood Ruins.

• Incantations: Purchased from the Dragon Communion Altar in the Church of Dragon Communion.


Lightning Dragon Build

This build is known for its staggering damage potential, and it utilizes Dragon Stones to boost Dragon Cult incantations, with a focus on lightning-based attacks. It's designed to unleash devastating lightning strikes that can obliterate foes, especially effective in large-scale battles.

Secondary Weapon: Dragon King's Cragblade provides a strong melee option with its unique skill.

Armor: Malformed Dragon Set offers high defense and complements the dragon theme of the build

Talismans: Lightning Scorpion Charm, Radagon Icon, Flock's Canvas Talisman, Dragoncrest and Greatshield Talisman. These talismans boost your lightning damage, casting speed, and overall defense, making your spells more effective in combat.

Incantations: Use Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike for massive AoE damage, Lansseax's Glaive for sweeping attacks, Fortissax's Lightning Spear for high single-target damage, and Honed Bolt for quick, precise strikes.

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How to Get Them

• Dragon Stones: Found in the Altus Plateau, boosts Dragon Cult incantations.

• Dragon King's Cragblade: Dropped by the Dragon King Soldier in Nokstella, Eternal City.

• Malformed Dragon Set: Obtained by defeating the Dragonkin Soldier in the Lake of Rot.

• Lightning Scorpion Charm is located in the Wyndham Ruins. Radagon Icon is found in the Raya Lucaria Academy. Gowry drops Flock's Canvas Talisman in Caelid. Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman is located in the Dragonbarrow Cave.

• Incantations: Purchased from the Dragon Communion Altar in the Church of Dragon Communion.


Dragon Incantation Build

This build leverages dragon-themed spells for massive damage. It involves using the Dragon Communion Seal | Elden Ring Wiki | FandomDragon Communion Seal and powerful incantations that tap into the destructive power of dragons, making it highly effective against a wide range of enemies.

Secondary Weapon: Moonveil Katana provides a strong melee option with its powerful Ash of War.

Armor: Lusat's Set enhances your magic damage while providing decent protection.

Talismans: Radagon Icon, Graven-Mass Talisman, Magic Scorpion Charm, Flock's Canvas Talisman. These talismans boost your incantation damage and casting speed, making your spells more effective in combat.

Incantations: Use Ekzykes's Decay for its powerful AoE damage and status effects, Agheel's Flame for fire damage, Theodorix's Magma for sustained damage, and Placidusax's Ruin for high burst damage.


How to Get Them

• Dragon Communion Seal: Found in the Fringefolk Hero's Grave.

• Moonveil Katana: Dropped by the Magma Wyrm in Gael Tunnel.

• Lusat's Set: Obtained after defeating Lusat in Sellia, Town of Sorcery.

• Radagon Icon is located in the Raya Lucaria Academy. Graven-Mass Talisman is found in the Albinauric Rise. Magic Scorpion Charm is rewarded by Seluvis after completing his questline. Gowry drops Flock's Canvas Talisman in Caelid.

• Incantations: Purchased from the Dragon Communion Altar in the Church of Dragon Communion.


Dragon Mage Build

Primary Weapon: Moonveil Katana is dropped by the Magma Wyrm in Gael Tunnel.

Secondary Weapon: Dragon Communion Seal is found in the Fringefolk Hero's Grave.

Armor: Lusat's Set is obtained after defeating Lusat in Sellia, Town of Sorcery.

Talismans: Graven-Mass Talisman is found in the Albinauric Rise. Magic Scorpion Charm is rewarded by Seluvis after completing his questline. Radagon Icon is located at the Raya Lucaria Academy.

Incantations: Smarag's Glintstone Breath and Borealis's Mist are purchased from the Dragon Communion Altar in the Church of Dragon Communion.

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Dragon Knight Build

Primary Weapon: Dragon Communion Seal. It is found in the Fringefolk Hero's Grave.

Secondary Weapon: Dragon King's Cragblade. It is dropped by the Dragon King Soldier in Nokstella, Eternal City.

Armor: Drake Knight Set. It can be obtained by defeating the Drake Knight in the Crumbling Farum Azula.

Talismans: Radagon's Scarseal is found in Fort Faroth. Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman is located in the Dragonbarrow Cave. Shard of Alexander is rewarded after completing Alexander's questline.

Incantations: Rotten Breath, Ekzykes's Decay, and Agheel's Flame. They are purchased from the Dragon Communion Altar in the Church of Dragon Communion.


Dragon Berserker Build

Primary Weapon: Dragon Halberd is dropped by the Dragonkin Soldier in the Siofra River.

Secondary Weapon: Dragon Communion Seal is found in the Fringefolk Hero's Grave.

Armor: Bull-Goat Set is obtained by defeating Great Horned Tragoth.

Talismans: Erdtree's Favor is found in the Fringefolk Hero's Grave. Bull-Goat's Talisman is dropped by Great Horned Tragoth. Starscourge Heirloom is located in Fort Gael.

Incantations: Theodorix's Magma and Greyoll's Roar are purchased from the Dragon Communion Altar in the Church of Dragon Communion.


These builds focus on maximizing the power of dragon incantations and weapons, making you a formidable force in the world of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree. They not only enhance the player's combat abilities but also offer a deep dive into the thematic elements of dragons within the Elden Ring universe. They are crafted to suit different combat scenarios, whether you are engaging in PvP or tackling tough bosses in PvE.




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