
Elysium Anathema PvP: Shadow of the Necropolis Is Coming on Sep 16

Por Shirley Huang
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"Floating above the Plaguelands, the necropolis known as Naxxramas serves as the seat of one of the Lich King's most powerful officers, the dreaded lich Kel'Thuzad. Horrors of the past and new terrors yet to be unleashed are gathering inside the necropolis as the Lich King's servants prepare their assault. The Scourge marches again..."

The trailer showed off new bosses and new environments completely without commentary, merely showing off pretty pictures set to new music. Shadow of the Necropolis slowed things down a bit, showing you some of who Kel'Thuzad was in life and how he came to be lich lord of Naxxramas. 

Good news! Naxxramas dungeon is coming to Anathema PvP on Sep 16. Many Elysium fans are excited and farm Elysium gold to strengthen their weapons in advance. Here makes a short list of release schedule for you.  


The release schedule for this month on Anathema PvP:

Sep 8:

Start of the Scourge Invasion world event

The event will last for 2 weeks

Patch 1.11 releases

Light's Hope Chapel has been revamped and is a fully functional quest hub.


Sep 15:

Scourge Invasion 2nd stage: City invasions


Sep 16:

Naxxramas 40-man raid releases


Please Note: All updates will happen on the server side only. When the patch launches, please remove the WDB folder inside your WoW folder.


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