
All the New Gear Sets Released with ESO DLC: Firesong

Por abdurrazaq
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The Elder Scrolls Online (aka. ESO) is an online multiplayer role-playing game that many gamers play worldwide on different platforms. Undoubtedly, the game is amazing, and gamers have been sticking to it because of its incredible content and gameplay. 


Recently, The Elder Scrolls Online released this year’s final story download content, Firesong DLC. The new content also contains brand-new gear and mythic items. So today, we will tell you everything you need to know about the DLC and the various gear sets released with it. 


ESO Firesong DLC

Players can purchase the Firesong DLC with Crowns at the Crown Store. But people with an active ESO Plus can access it for free. The Firesong DLC has around 15 hours of story. The whole story revolves around monsters and is full of political turmoil. Most of the players of this game know that this year’s story is ending, and they will be able to earn newer items and achievements. 


There’s a new thing for the players as they can pet all the animals on the island. Honestly, this is a must-have feature. In addition to this, they can collect special items which can’t be easily found anywhere else.


New Gear of the Firesong DLC

The new DLC also added new gear sets to the Elder Scrolls Online. These Firesong Sets are basically the Armor Sets. In addition, they have included Overland, Crafted Sets, and Mythic Items from the Galen Zone. 


Remember, if you want these sets and items, you have to earn them by exploring the whole game and doing activities. Complete the missions and challenges in order to get all of this stuff. Moreover, players can use them to create various builds for different content of PVE or PVP.


We all know that leveling up in the game can be pretty tedious. You have to spend hours in the game grinding and doing mind-numbing quests. This not only takes a lot of your time but also takes a toll on your health.


But what if I told you that you could level up in ESO without even doing anything? Make sure you take a look at ESO Leveling Services to learn more.


Speaking of sets in the ESO Firesong DLC, you can look at the list of Overland and Crafted Sets available in the Galen zone. You can get them by eliminating the enemies in the zone or by completing the activities. 


ESO New Sets of Firesong

The ESO Firesong DLC contains the following sets:


Back-Alley Gourmand (Type: Overland)

•    Two items (adds 657 critical chance) 

•    Three items (adds 657 critical chance)

•    Four items (adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage)

•    Five items (Critical Damage and Critical Healing are increased by 13% if you have food buff activated)

Back Alley Gourmand ESO

Back Alley Gourmand


Bastion of Draoife (Type: Overland)

•    Two items (adds 1096 Maximum Stamina)

•    Three items (adds 1206 Maximum Health)

•    Four items (adds 1096 Maximum Stamina)

•    Five items (Blocking attacks gives you a stack of inflection for 10 seconds. Three stacks can be consumed. Gaining up to 1 stack every 0.5 seconds. Increasing your Magicka and Stamina recovery by 106 using the stack of inflection)

Bastion of Draoife ESO

Bastion of Draoife


Chimera’s Rebuke (Type: Crafted)

•    Two items (adds 1096 Maximum Magicka)

•    Three items (adds 1206 Maximum Health)

•    Four items (adds 1096 Maximum Stamina)

•    Five items (Getting resources from a charged heavy attack will restore 2363 of the resource to the three members near you)

Chimera's Rebuke ESO

Chimera's Rebuke


Claw of the Forest Wraith (Type: Crafted)

•    Two items (adds 657 Critical Chance)

•    Three items (adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage)

•    Four items (adds 657 Critical Chance)

•    Five items (adds 2037 Critical Chance to your Class abilities)

Claw of the Forest Wraith ESO

Claw of the Forest Wraith


Old Growth Brewer (Type: Crafted)

•    Two items (adds 129 Stamina Recovery)

•    Three items (adds 129 Magicka Recovery)

•    Four items (adds 129 Health Recovery)

•    5 Items (once you drink a potion, you will gain 245 Magicka, Stamina, and Health Recovery for 45 seconds)

Old Growth Brewer ESO

Old Growth Brewer



Phoenix Moth Theurge (Type: Overland)

•    Two items (adds 129 Stamina Recovery)

•    Three items (adds 129 Stamina Recovery)

•    Four items (adds 1096 Maximum Stamina)

•    Five items (Heal yourself or any ally and get the target Minor Courage and Minor Force for 10 seconds. It will increase their Weapon and Spell Damage by 215 and their Critical Damage by 10%. You can use this effect once every 12 seconds per target.)

Phoenix Moth Theurge ESO

Phoenix Moth Theurge



New Mythic Items Released with Firesong

Throughout the DLC, you will also be getting the Mythic Items, along with the Overland and Crafted Sets that will drop in the Galen zone. 


These items are special in the game. Ability Altering is a one-piece set that will offer unique effects. Players who are eager to experience the ESO Mythic items can obtain them via the Treasure Hunting system of Antiquities. For obtaining and acquiring these sets, you need access to the Antiquities System, which you will get from owning the Greymoor DLC. 


Below are the Mythic Items in the new DLC:


Stormweaver’s Cavort - Light Legs: (1 item) Adds 300 Magicka Recovery, Sprint, Roll Dodge, Bash, Break Free, Sneak, and Block now consume Magicka instead of Stamina. You reduce your Magicka Recovery to 0 while Blocking, Sneaking, or Sprinting. You no longer reduce your Stamina Recovery to 0 while Blocking, Sneaking or Sprinting. 


Stormweaver's Cavort ESO

Stormweaver's Cavort

Faun’s Lark Cladding - Medium Chest: (1 item) If you continuously Sprint for 1 second, you gain the ability to pass through enemies. Enemies you pass through become Charmed for 4 seconds, removing their ability to attack or cast abilities as they move toward you. Charming an enemy this way restores 678 Stamina and Magicka to you, and heals you for 678 Health. Charming an enemy removes you from Stealth. 

Faun’s Lark Cladding

Faun's Lark Cladding

Syrabane’s Ward - Heavy Belt: (1 item) You cannot move while Bracing. While Bracing, you create a 12m zone of protection. Allies within the zone increase their Block Mitigation by 30% and their Health Recovery by 950. 

Syrabane's Ward ESO

Syrabane's Ward


That is all about the ESO DLC: Firesong and the new armor sets launched with it. Please keep checking back for more ESO news and guides.




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