
Best Cards to Have in Tales of Tribute of ESO

Por Michel Z
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Tales of Tribute is a Collectible Card Game that will be released with the new expansion of TESO – High Isle. When you win the game, you will get a box called Tribute Victory, which contains excellent rewards, including the precious in-game currency – The Elder Scrolls Online gold. The game is on the PTS for testing at the moment. Through the testing, Brah We Got This has found some of the best cards that you should grab in the game. If you want to know which cards will be the most helpful for you, this is a guide you don't want to miss out on.


This guide will judge these cards and grade them based on the following three factors:


What the gold cost is for the card

What effect the card gives

How easily you can get the effect


This guide is listing two of the best cards from each Patron. Note that certain cards will get stronger over time and fit in certain archetypes, so this list isn't trying to ignore some powerful cards. This list gives you the best value cards that will be some of the most impactful for you when you play this game. So these aren't set in stone, but these are ones you should look for.


Ansei Frandar Hunding


Battle Meditation (Contract Action) – 3 Gold

Gain 2 Power.

Return 1 card of any type from your cooldown to the top of your draw.


Battle Meditation is a Contract Action, which means it is put into play as soon as it is acquired and never goes to your cooldown. 


Battle Meditation is very cheap, especially later on in the game. The reason why Battle Meditation is so powerful is that it gives you the flexibility to benefit from this card: 


1. If you need Power, it gives you two Power to use a Patron ability, kill your opponent's agent, or just gain Prestige. 


2. Another effect allows you to return one card of any type from your cooldown to the top of your draw. That means, in your cooldown pile, any card you just bought or have used can be returned to the top of your draw, thus allowing it to be drawn immediately in your next turn. In this way, you can stack your deck the way you want it to be.


Conquest (Action) – 4 Gold

Gain 3 Power.

Acquire one card from the Tavern with a cost up to 4.

Combo 2: Gain 2 Power.


Conquest goes into your deck, and it costs only four Gold. Its first effect grants you three Power, and its second effect allows you to acquire one card from the Tavern with a cost up to four, which is another great effect because you don't spend any Gold. 


The next effect it gets with Combo 2 is Gain two Power. Combo 2 is not hard to hit if you're focusing on a deck. To activate Combo 2, all you have to do is play one other Ansei Frandar Hunding card in that turn. But if you go straight into Power with this for four Gold, you're getting five Power out of a card, which is a lot. Therefore, Conquest is a fantastic card for doing an aggro setup.


Duke of Crows


Plunder (Action) – 6 Gold

Draw 1 card from your draw pile.

Combo 2: Draw 1 card from your draw pile.

Combo 4: Draw 1 card from your draw pile.


Duke of Crows's immediate effect costs six Gold, but it draws you a card. This card is great because its Combo 2 and Combo 4 allow you to draw two more cards, which means you have the potential to draw three cards from this card. Being able to draw three cards from one card can be very helpful, and if you're focusing on the Duke of Crows, Combo 4 will not be hard to do. So Plunder is one of the best cards you should focus on.


Murder of Crows (Action) – 4 Gold

Gain 1 Gold.

Combo 2: Gain 2 Gold and 2 Power.

Combo 3: Gain 2 Power.


Murder of Crows only costs four Gold, and you get two of these in the Tavern deck. Again, it's very easy to activate Combo, so you have the potential to gain three Gold and four Power from one card.


Grandmaster Delmene Hlaalu


Currency Exchange (Action) – 7 Gold

Remove up to 2 cards from the Tavern.

Gain 6 Gold.

Combo 2: Gain 1 additional Patron interaction for this turn.


Currency Exchange lets you remove two cards from the Tavern that you don't need or don't want your opponent to have. It also gives you six Gold, so it almost pays for the Gold cost. Its Combo 2 is easy to hit, allowing you to gain one additional Patron interaction for this turn, which helps you win a game immediately.


Luxury Exports (Action) – 2 Gold

Gain 3 Gold.


Luxury Exports costs two Gold but gives you three Gold, making it a great card to get the Gold generation going.


Psijic Loremaster Celarus


Augur's Counsel (Contract Action) – 3 Gold

Look at the top 3 cards of your draw pile. Choose up to 3 cards to move to your cooldown pile.

Combo 2: Gain 2 Power.


The play effect of Augur's Counsel is very powerful because it allows you to filter your draw out to where you draw a card you need next turn or in that turn, so you can put them in your cooldown pile and not draw them next turn.


Ceporah's Insight (Action) – 5 Gold 

Remove up to 2 cards from the Tavern.

Look at the top 3 cards of your draw pile. Choose up to 3 cards to move to your cooldown pile.

Combo 2: Gain 3 Power.


Ceporah's Insight is an upgraded card. Its first effect can remove cards that your opponent wants or you don't want to see. It also has the same effect as the Augur's Counsel. Most importantly, you can get all those effects for just one play.


If you play a second Psijic Loremaster Celarus card, its Combo 2 allows you to gain three Power, which is a very good effect to get with five Gold.


Rajhin, the Purring Liar


Pounce and Profit (Action) – 5 Gold

Gain 4 Gold.

Combo 2: Remove 1 of your opponent's active agents and place it in their cooldown pile.


Pounce and Profit gives you four Gold for its play effect, and its Combo 2 allows you to remove one of your opponent's active agents on their field.


Ring's Guile (Contract Action) – 7 Gold

Opponent discards 1 card from their hand at the start of their turn.

Combo 2: Draw 1 card from your draw pile.

Combo 3: Opponent discards 1 card from their hand at the start of their turn.

Draw 1 card from your draw pile.


Ring's Guile has an amazing immediate effect, which lets your opponent discard one card from their hand at the start of their turn. If you play a lot of this deck, the Combo 3 can let your opponent discard another card from their hand, and you will draw another card from your draw pile, putting you at a great advantage.


Red Eagle, King of the Reach


Midnight Raid (Action) – 4 Gold

Gain 3 Power.

Combo 2: Gain 3 Power.


This is one of the best cards in the game, and there are three Midnight Raid cards in the Tavern. If you play two of these cards, you're gaining 12 Power; If you play more than two of these cards, you're gaining so much Power in one turn.


Karth Man-Hunter (Contract Agent, 2 Health) – 5 Gold

Gain 1 Power.

Combo 2: Remove 1 of your cards that are in play or in your hand from the game.


Karth Man-Hunter is a Contract Agent, which means it's immediately played when you buy it from the Tavern, and it doesn't go into your deck. Its Combo effect removes one of the cards that are in play or in your hand from the game, allowing you to get down to 5-7 cards in your deck, and every single time you draw five cards, you're drawing cards that you want to see.


Saint Pelin


Shield Bearer (Contract Agent, 5 Health) – 6 Gold

Gain 1 Power.

Taunt: This agent must be attacked first. Prevents opponent's end of turn power to prestige conversion.


Shield Bearer has Taunt. Taunt will stop your opponent from getting Prestige from their Power, and it plays immediately. That means if your opponent's up on Prestige and you need to catch up, you can buy this card to prevent their end of turn Power from converting to Prestige until they kill this agent.


Rally (Action) – 7 Gold

Gain 6 Power.

Combo 2: Draw 1 card from your draw pile.


Rally gives you six Power, and its Combo 2 allows you to draw one card. It costs seven Gold, but if you can combo with this, it's fantastic to have Rally in your deck.


Sorcerer-King Orgnum


Pyandonean War Fleet (Action) – 3 Gold

Gain 2 Power.

Combo 3: Gain 3 Power.


This card only costs three Gold, but you can get five Power easily for its effects. What a fantastic card it is!


Sea Serpent Colossus (Action) – 2 Gold

Gain 2 Gold.

Gain 1 Prestige.

Combo 2: Gain 2 Power.


There will be two Sea Serpent Colossus cards when you upgrade them. With only two Gold, you can immediately get one Gold and one Prestige from this card. Moreover, its Combo 2 gives two Power. Therefore, if you just chain these cards, you will gain much Power, Gold, and Prestige.


If you found this video helpful, don't forget to subscribe to Brah We Got This's Youtube channel. The Tales of Tribute card game is coming with the High Isle Chapter on June 6 for PC, Mac, and Stadia. Console players on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S will have to wait a bit longer, with the new chapter arriving on June 21. You can bookmark MmoGah's news page for more information about the upcoming Update of The Elder Scrolls Online


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