
ESO Companions: Bastian Build Guide

Por Michel Z
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In The Elder Scrolls Online, Companions can assist you in combat. Bastian Hallix is a Dragonknight-like Companion that can fulfill every role in the game, from DPS to Tank and Healer. In this guide, ArzyeL Gaming shows you the different options you have and how to get the most out of this special NPC. 



In general, Companions are helpful in easier content, and you can use them as an extra body to dish out damage or draw attention. Companions will be very helpful to new players, but they are not something you want to bring in harder content. Their role is to assist you but not defeat enemies for you.


Overall, Bastian is weak as a DPS, and he is not great at Tanking either. However, he can be an asset in a support or Healer build. 


Magicka DPS (Destruction Staff)

Gear Setup

Magicka DPS is the best DPS build for Bastian so far. You can use all light armor with two Quickened pieces for better skill cooldown and everything else Aggressive for better damage.

Piece Type Trait
Head Light Quickened
Shoulders Light Quickened
Hands Light Aggressive
Legs Light Aggressive
Chest Light Aggressive
Waist Light Aggressive
Feet Light Aggressive
Necklace Jewel Aggressive
Ring Jewel Aggressive
Ring Jewel Aggressive
Staff Flame Aggressive

Skill Setup


Drake’s Blood is an excellent self-heal ability that also reduces incoming damage.

Searing Weapons is a skill that buffs the light and heavy attack damage of you and Bastian.

Destructive Blast deals good direct damage and knocks back enemies (Fire staff).

Fiery Flail lashes enemies with a strong flame attack and sets enemies Off Balance.

Scorching Strike is a direct and DoT damage skill.

Unleashed Rage is Bastian’s Ultimate that deals severe Flame damage and stuns enemies.



Companions can’t use the same armor sets as players, so you need to farm Companion gear in any Zone. The drop rate of Companion gear is super low at the moment, and it will be more difficult to a get gear piece with a good Trait and quality. The best and fastest way to get a decent armor piece for your Companions is to buy from Guild Trader using your ESO gold. However, Companion gear can be costly in the game, so if you don’t have enough gold, you can buy ESO gold on MmoGah, the best place to buy safe and cheap ESO gold.


Stamina DPS (Two-Handed)

Gear Setup

This build uses a good execute ability to finish low-health enemies. You can use all medium armor with two quickened pieces and the rest Aggressive.


Piece Type Trait
Head Medium Quickened
Shoulders Medium Quickened
Hands Medium Aggressive
Legs Medium Aggressive
Chest Medium Aggressive
Waist Medium Aggressive
Feet Medium Aggressive
Necklace Jewel Aggressive
Ring Jewel Aggressive
Ring Jewel Aggressive
Two-Handed Weapon Greatsword/Any 2H Aggressive


Skill Setup


Drake’s Blood is an excellent self-heal ability that also reduces incoming damage.

Searing Weapons is a skill that buffs the light and heavy attack damage of you and Bastian.

Sever is a great execute ability.

Sunder is a direct and DoT ability, and it is good against groups of enemies.

Staggering Swing stuns and knocks back enemies.

Unleashed Rage is Bastian’s Ultimate that deals severe Flame damage and stuns enemies.


Stamina DPS (Dual-Wield)

Gear Setup

This build uses the same armor setup as Two-handed. The only difference is the Dual-wield weapons. Additionally, this build is better for dealing with groups of enemies thanks to the Spinning Steal skill.


Piece Type Trait
Head Medium Quickened
Shoulders Medium Quickened
Hands Medium Aggressive
Legs Medium Aggressive
Chest Medium Aggressive
Waist Medium Aggressive
Feet Medium Aggressive
Necklace Jewel Aggressive
Ring Jewel Aggressive
Ring Jewel Aggressive
One-Handed Weapon Axe/Any 1H Aggressive
One-Handed Weapon Dagger/Any 1H Aggressive


Skill Setup


Drake’s Blood is an excellent self-heal ability that also reduces incoming damage.

Searing Weapons is a skill that buffs the light and heavy attack damage of you and Bastian.

Swift Assault batters the enemies with five consecutive attacks.

Razor Cape deals damage and reduces damage taken.

Spinning Steal is a good AoE damage that can work as an Execute as well. The skill is excellent against multiple enemies.

Unleashed Rage is Bastian’s Ultimate that deals severe Flame damage and stuns enemies.


Stamina DPS (Bow)

Gear Setup

This build uses the same armor setup as the other two Stamina DPS builds. However, you can experiment with a different Quickened/Aggressive ratio if you wish. This is a good and safer build because it allows ranged DPS.

Piece Type Trait
Head Medium Quickened
Shoulders Medium Quickened
Hands Medium Aggressive
Legs Medium Aggressive
Chest Medium Aggressive
Waist Medium Aggressive
Feet Medium Aggressive
Necklace Jewel Aggressive
Ring Jewel Aggressive
Ring Jewel Aggressive
Two-Handed Weapon Bow Aggressive


Skill Setup


Drake’s Blood is an excellent self-heal ability that also reduces incoming damage.

Searing Weapons is a skill that buffs the light and heavy attack damage of you and Bastian.

Piercing Arrow is a potent Snipe-like ability.

Viper’s Bite deals direct and DoT poison damage.

Trick Shot deals damage and immobilizes enemies.

Unleashed Rage is Bastian’s Ultimate that deals severe Flame damage and stuns enemies.


Tank (1 Hand and Shield)

Gear Setup

You can use all heavy armor with three Quickened pieces and the rest Bolstered to reduce damage taken. You can also try a combination of Quickened-Bolstered-Vigorous for more Health.

Piece Type Trait
Head Heavy Bolstered
Shoulders Heavy Bolstered
Hands Heavy Bolstered
Legs Heavy Bolstered
Chest Heavy Bolstered
Waist Heavy Bolstered
Feet Heavy Bolstered
Necklace Jewel Quickened
Ring Jewel Quickened
Ring Jewel Quickened
One Hand Weapon Sword/Any 1H Bolstered
Off Hand Shield Bolstered


Skill Setup


Provoke taunts the enemy, and the skill only activates once Bastian is in melee range.

Drake’s Blood is an excellent self-heal ability that also reduces incoming damage.

On Guard provides a shield.

Ritual of Salvation is an AoE effect that reduces damage taken.

Kindle is a strong heal ability.

Unleashed Rage is Bastian’s Ultimate that deals severe Flame damage and stuns enemies.


Healer (Restoration Staff)

Gear Setup

This is the best build for Bastian so far. This build is a Healer-buffer hybrid. You can use all light armor with three Augmented pieces for better buff/debuff duration and the rest Soothing for better heals. Quickened is always a good alternative for armor Traits.

Piece Type Trait
Head Light Soothing
Shoulders Light Soothing
Hands Light Soothing
Legs Light Soothing
Chest Light Soothing
Waist Light Soothing
Feet Light Soothing
Necklace Jewel Augmented
Ring Jewel Augmented
Ring Jewel Augmented
Staff Healing Soothing



Skill Setup


Searing Weapons is a skill that buffs the light and heavy attack damage of you and Bastian.

Drake’s Blood is an excellent self-heal ability that also reduces incoming damage.

Rejuvenation is a strong Heal over Time ability for both Bastian and nearby allies.

Reverse Entropy is another potent healing spell.

Mending Incantation is a healing ability that also grants Spell and Physical Resistance.

Unleashed Rage is Bastian’s Ultimate that deals severe Flame damage and stuns enemies.


That is how you can build Bastian to aid you in combat. If you like ArzyeL Gaming’s video, don’t forget to like and subscribe to the channel.

For more tips and news related to TESO, please bookmark our ESO news page on MmoGah: there is a guide to building Mirri, the other Companion that can help you in combat and some of the best Stamina DPS sets you should own in ESO.




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