
ESO Events 2023: Secrets of the Telvanni Event Guide

Por Michel Z
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There's a new event called Secrets of the Telvanni that's happening in The Elder Scrolls Online. In this guide, Zurga shares information on how you can participate and what exciting rewards you can expect from the event.


About the Secrets of the Telvanni Event

Secrets of the Telvanni is this year's special Necrom event that will start in September. While the exact starting date is currently unknown, the professional ESO gold and item store, MmoGah, will update this article as soon as the date is announced.

Update: The Secrets of the Telvanni Event 2023 will take place from September 28th to October 10th. 



Introductory Quest

Master Faras’s location

Master Faras's location

To participate in the event, you must finish an introductory quest called The Telvanni Secret, which you can pick up for free in the Crown Store. After accepting the quest, go to the Telvanni Peninsula and talk to Master Faras. The first task is done immediately, without additional movements. But to know the whole story, you need to complete two more quests, and you will receive a purple box for each quest. 


Event Rewards 


Reward Boxes

The first Necrom daily quest or Sanity's Edge trial weekly quest you complete awards you two Event Tickets and a gold-quality reward parcel. Subsequent daily quests will give you purple crates. 


Before you start opening the boxes, summon Azandar Al-Cybiades or Sharp-As-Night, then you will have the opportunity to get Companion gear. These boxes can also contain zone set items, furnishing plans, style and crafting materials, new style pages, and furnishings. 


Additional Bonuses

Completing Necrom daily quests will give you double normal reward boxes. Harvest nodes in the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha have an improved yield. Necrom world and delve bosses, along with any boss in the Sanity's Edge trial, drop additional loot. 


Impresario's Store

Find Impresario in Telvanni Peninsula

Find Impresario in Telvanni Peninsula

The Telvanni Peninsula is a new place to find the Impresario. This is a complete list of the Impresario Store's items:


•    All three fragments for Passion Dancer Blossom Pet

•    All three fragments for Passion Dancer Garment Costume

•    Apocrypha Expedition armor style pages

•    Companion Guild Commendations

•    Impresario's Group Repair Kit

Passion Dancer Garment Costume

Passion Dancer Garment Costume

Apocrypha Expedition outfit style

Apocrypha Expedition outfit style


Impresario's Assitant

You can find Impresario's assistant, Philius Dormier, in any Impresario's tent. In this event, he sells Avrora Firespot Spider Instructions, Hide Shoulders, and three fragments for the Deadlands Firewalker Personality. 


Indrik Vendor

Mossheart Indrik Mount and Onyx Indrik Mount

You can find the Indrik Vendor – Nenulaure, in Belkarth, Craglorn, during the event. She will sell the goodies below:


•    Feathers for the Nascent Indrik Mount

•    Four berries for the Mossheart Indrik Mount

•    Four berries for the Onyx Indrik Mount

•    Ebon-Glow Indrik pet

•    Sapling Indrik pet


That's how you can take part in the Secrets of the Telvanni event and earn rewards. If you find Zurga's guide helpful, kindly show your support by giving a thumbs up and subscribing to her channel.


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