
ESO Events 2023: Undaunted Celebration Event Guide

By Michel Z
Publicado en 2023-08-30
Ultima actualización en 2024-04-03

In The Elder Scrolls Online, the Undaunted Celebration event is a special event that celebrates the achievements and challenges of the dungeon explorers in Tamriel. It is also a great opportunity to earn rewards, tickets, and style pages by completing dungeons and quests. This guide shows you how to participate and what to expect from this event.


When Will the Event Take Place

This year, the Undaunted Celetration event will start on September 7th.


How to Start the Event

To start the event, you need to pick up the free introductory quest Glory of the Undaunted in the Crown Store. After accepting the quest, you are going to speak with Serileth in an Undaunted Enclave. Talking with Serileth gives you some ESO gold coins as rewards.


Earn Rewards and Event Tickets


Undaunted Reward Box

To earn more rewards, you need to complete group dungeons. You can travel to any group dungeon on your map or use the Dungeon Finder to find a group and travel to a dungeon. You can choose either Normal or Veteran difficulty.


When you defeat the final boss of a dungeon, you will receive an Undaunted Reward Box that contains various items, such as:


•    Undaunted Keys

•    Undaunted Plunder

•    Various Dungeon Style Pages

•    Crown Store Repair Kits

•    Riding Lessons

•    Opal Weapon Style Pages

•    Crafting Materials

•    Transmute Crystals 


You can also get an Undaunted Reward box each day by completing the Undaunted daily repeatable quest received from Bolgrul, who can be found in any Undaunted Enclave.

Opal Sentinel of Rkugamz Helm and Shouler Style


The first time you defeat a dungeon's final boss each day, you will receive a Glorious Undaunted Reward Box that guarantees an Opal Weapon Outfit style page, which is great to customize your appearance and show off your dungeon skills. This year, these style pages are based on the Sentinel of Rkugamz, Iceheart, Lord Warden, Nightflame, Swarm Mother, and Velidreth monster sets. 


•    Opal Sentinel of Rkugamz – Darkshade Caverns 1 Dungeon

•    Opal Lord Warden Velidreth – Imperial City Prison Dungeon

•    Opal Swarm Mother – Spindleclutch 1 Dungeon

•    Opal Iceheart – Direfrost Keep Dungeon

•    Opal Nightflame – Elden Hollow 2 Dungeon

•    Opal Velidreth –Cradle of Shadows Dungeon


If you're interested in the masks and shoulders, the Opal Monster Mask styles and Opal Monster Shoulder styles can drop from the corresponding dungeon boss in Veteran mode. If you're interested only in the regular version of the Masks, they will still drop on Veteran mode, too. 


Moreover, a random Opal Shoulder Style page can be found in an Undaunted Opal Shoulder Coffer, which is obtainable for 25 Undaunted Keys at Undaunted vendors: Glirion, Urgalag Chief-bane, and Majal-Ragath. If you already have the regular Shoulder styles, you can buy the Opal Shoulder versions directly from the associated vendors with 50 Undaunted Keys.


Spend Your Event Tickets


The Impresario

You can earn two event tickets per day, per account, by defeating a dungeon's final boss. You can spend your event tickets at the Impresario, who only appears during events. This time, Impresario's store will provide:


•    Opal Sentinel of Rkugamz Style Pages for Weapon, Helm, and Shoulders

•    All Fragments for the Passion Dancer Blossom Pet

•    The First and Second Passion Dancer Garment Fragments

•    Impresario's Group Repair Kit

•    Companion Guild Commendations


The Impresario's assistant, Philius Dormier, will also open his shop during the event. He will offer Unstable Morpholith Pet fragments and Deadland's Firewalker Personality fragments.


Update to Event Tickets of ESO

With the release of Update 39, ZOS implemented a few changes regarding event tickets. One of these changes is a new safety rail when obtaining event tickets from multiple lootable sources, which includes looted event tickets that warn players when handing them in.


When you complete an activity or action that should have triggered dropping event tickets but cannot collect them due to max cap, you will receive an in-game pop-up notification alerting them of this. When spending event tickets to make room to loot more, you can head back to the location and adequately loot the source to gain the tickets. 


Should you be unable to loot the tickets either by forgetting to do so, the game crashed, or losing connection and being kicked out of the server, you won't incur the daily reset. Instead, you can regain the tickets lost by completing complete dungeon activities, defeating bosses, or the required daily activity until you have looted the daily event tickets.


The changes are beneficial, especially for new players who don't really pay attention to the cap on their event tickets.


The Indrik Vendor

During the Undaunted Celebration event, you can also spend your hard-earned event tickets at the Indrik Vendor – Nenulaure, in Belkarth, Craglorn. She will sell the goodies below:


•    Feathers for the Nascent Indrik Mount

•    Four berries for the Mossheart Indrik Mount

•    Four berries for the Onyx Indrik Mount

•    Ebon-Glow Indrik pet

•    Sapling Indrik pet


That is how to participate in the Undaunted Celebration event and what you can earn during the event. For more news and guides, please stay tuned.


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