
Final Fantasy XIV - Emotes You Can Get with Side Quests

Por Nightmare
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In Final Fantasy XIV, collecting things is what most players like to do. Some like to collect Mounts, Minions, or Glamours, and some might like to collect emotes. All these side activities make the game more alive and fun. Let's see all the free emotes players can get by doing side quests.


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Emotes in FFXIV

Emotes in FFXIV are for expressing feelings, replacing some words, or lightening the mood, and some emotes are also used in quests.


Players can access emotes in three methods: one from the main menu, Social, then Emotes. Also, slash command, like /sit, or drag the emotes to the Hotbar.


If you don't know whether you have missed some, you can check all the emotes listed below, compare them with your in-game emotes list, and go to the listed location to get them if you don't have them yet.


If the NPC doesn't have the quest for you, you can copy the quest name and search it on Google, then use Eorzea Database to see the Prerequisite Quest and finish them first.


Prerequisite Quest


All the Side Quest Emotes:

Emote Name

Quest Giver

Quest Name

Quest Level


Ball Dance


Help Me, Lord of the Dance

Lv. 14

Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X: 10.8 Y: 9.8)

Harvest Dance


Saw That One Coming

Lv. 14

New Gridania (X: 12.0 Y: 13.1)

Step Dance


Good for What Ales You

Lv. 14

Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X: 7.5 Y: 12.3)



Toss Fit Workout

Lv. 36

Coerthas Central Highlands (X: 24.9 Y: 27.7)

Moogle Dance

Master Mogzin

Piecing Together the Past

Lv. 50

The Churning Mists (X: 15.7 Y: 28.8)

Sundrop Dance

Linu Vali

Sundrop the Beat

Lv. 50

The Sea of Clouds (X: 6.6 Y: 14.3)

Most Gentlemanly


Her Last Vow

Lv. 50

Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X: 12.0 Y: 11.8)

Manderville Dance


The Hammer

Lv. 50

Western Thanalan (X: 20.1 Y: 24.6)



The Burdens We Bear

Lv. 60

Idyllshire (X: 7.5 Y: 6.5)



Letters from No One

Lv. 60

The Pillars (X: 10.4 Y: 9.8)

Moonlift Dance

Vath Deftarm

Eternity, Loyalty, Honesty

Lv. 60

The Sea of Clouds (X: 6.6 Y: 14.3)

Manderville Mambo


Don't Do the Dewprism

Lv. 70

Kugane (X: 11.7 Y: 8.8)



What a Wonder-full World

Lv. 70

The Azim Steppe (X: 5.8 Y: 24.0)



Learning to Lali-ho

Lv. 70

Kholusia (X: 11.0 Y: 11.8)



The Fire-bird Down Below

Lv. 70

The Ruby Sea (X: 27.8 Y: 16.4)

Ear Wiggle


Dreams Come True

Lv. 80

Mare Lamentorum (X: 17.6 Y: 16.2)


If you want to know what they act like in-game, check out The Phookas's YouTube video for all the moves.


Thank you for reading, and enjoy playing Final Fantasy XIV.


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