
Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward: Patch 3.07 Note

By John Ryan
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Final Fantasy XIV Ver.3.0 Heavensward is online for 2 months. As the largest update, Heavensward brings a lot of new experience. New race Au Ra, new jobs Astrologian, Dark Knight, Machinist are very popular now. With more and more players reaching Lv 60, more and more players could enjoy the new items. There are some small questions appeared as well. The new patch 3.07 solves some of them, let’s have a look together with Mmogah.

Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward: Patch 3.07 Note

The 3 new jobs Astrologian, Dark Knight and Machinist have been adjusted in actions and traits.

l  Dark Knight

Unleash: Adjustments have been made to make enemy attack indicators visible.

Blood Weapon: Now applies an effect that reduces the TP cost of weapon skills by 20%.

l  Machinist

Quick Reload: Recast time reduced from 40 seconds to 30 seconds. TP recovered reduced from 50 to 30. The Quicker Reload trait now reduces recast time to 15 seconds.

l  Astrologian

Benefic: Potency has been increased from 380 to 400.

Benefic II: Potency has been increased from 620 to 650.

Helios: Potency has been increased from 290 to 300.

Aspected Benefic: Potency of the regen effect from Diurnal Sect has been increased from 100 to 140. Amount of damage nullified by the barrier from Nocturnal Sect has been increased from 100% of HP restored to 130% of HP restored.

Aspected Helios: Cure potency when not using Nocturnal Sect has been increased from 140 to 200. Cure potency when using Nocturnal Sect has been increased from 140 to 150. Potency of the regen effect from Diurnal Sect has been reduced from 50 to 40.

Synastry: An effect has been added that increases the caster's healing potency by 20% for 20 seconds. The party member under the effect of Synastry will now recover HP when any other party member is targeted with a healing spell. Furthermore, the amount of HP recovered has been reduced from 50% to 40%. Recast time has been reduced from 120 to 90 seconds.

Celestial Opposition: Recast time has been reduced from 150 to 120 seconds.

Disable: The effect has been changed reduce the potency of all the target's offensive actions for the duration. Duration has been reduced from 10 to 6 seconds.

Collective Unconscious: Will now grant Regen and 10% damage reduction to party members when using either Diurnal Sect or Nocturnal Sect. Auto-attack will now be canceled upon execution. Regen potency has been reduced from 200 to 150. Duration of regen has been reduced from 18 to 15 seconds.

The Balance: Duration has been increased from 15 to 30 seconds, regardless of single target or area-of-effect.

The Bole: Duration has been increased from 15 to 30 seconds, regardless of single target or area-of-effect.

The Arrow: Duration has been increased from 15 to 30 seconds, regardless of single target or area-of-effect.

According to the official, Astrologian has been adjusted the most. Because Astrologian is not as perfect as we imagined. Now Astrologian changes a lot, all players at Mmogah are too impatient to wait to play. If we could get more experience, Mmogah will share with you at once.

Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward: Patch 3.07 Note

PVP actions have been adjusted as well.

l  Pugilist Monk

Axe Kick: The duration of Greased Lightning III granted by this action has been increased from 24 to 28 seconds.

l  Shared Actions

Purify: Recast time has been reduced from 180 to 120 seconds. The Enhanced Purify trait now reduces recast time to 90 seconds.

The following adjustments have been made to PvP encounters:

The damage penalty incurred due to the distance of a Bard or Machinist from their target will now be reduced when using Wanderer's Minuet or Gauss Barrel.

The effects of Battle High and Battle Fever have been adjusted.

Battle High: The increased rate of filling the adrenaline gauge has been reduced to 1.25 times the normal rate.

Battle Fever: The increased rate of filling the adrenaline gauge has been reduced to 1.5 times the normal rate.

Some other items are adjusted as following.

The effect of favors has been adjusted: The duration of favors has been reduced from fifteen minutes to five minutes. The rate at which concealed gathering points appear has been increased by 300%.

Blueclaw Shrimp / Rock Mussel / Mogpom / Sweetfish / Blue Cloud Coral can now be obtained via retainer fishing ventures.

The rate at which Battle Galley can be caught when using Brute Leech has been adjusted.

The following item names have been adjusted:

Before: Ninja Teko / Koga Teko

After: Ninja Tekko / Koga Tekko

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