
How to Get Possible Fast Delivery for Your ArcheAge Gold?

Por John Ryan
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For the moment, the best way is you keep contacting us via Live ChatSkype or SMS when you are playing the game. When you are contacting us, we will offer the highest price in the market to try our best to get the gold, then you put items at AH, we let supplier buy them. Then it's done smoothly. 

how to get fast delivery for your archeage gold, mmogah

--- This is a reply on Trustpilot to a archeage gold customer whose order hasn’t been completed in time.

Hello, Jonathan. 

First of all, we have to thank you so much for choosing us to buy
 archeage gold and help us think better of archeage gold delivery and improve our service. Secondly, we are sorry for what you encountered from us. And thirdly, we are so sad after received your bad review, because we have told you at least twice we would refund you but you refused. Here I explain why we deliver archeage goldso slow not as fast as before and I hope other customers could know about the current market too and know how to get possible fast delivery under current situation.

Since Trion reinforced supervising archeage gold market about 2 months ago, they have been doing great work for themselves. But for archeage gold farmers, it’s a disaster. Hard to farm archeage gold. It’s like current archeage golddemand is 10M, but only 1M or even 0.1M in the market at the same time. That’s the main reason to result in slow delivery, and the price is getting higher and higher, but you’d better know about the details of the delivery process.

1. Cannot mail. Now no one would mail archeage gold to customers, because the gold will likely get removed. 
2. Cannot trade face-to-face. Trade face-to-face risks too same as the mail method.
3. The safest delivery method is AH. Now almost all sites and famers have to accept the safest AH method, 10% AH fee though. In this way, there are the following situations.

  • After we receive your order, we are not able to get the archeage gold in time, then you have to wait. This is what we really don’t want to happen, however we have to accept the fact.

  • When we find archeage gold for you, but you are not online, we contact you via different methods such as email, SMS, phone, but most of you are not able to login in time. When you come in half an hour or hours, the supplier has already sold the gold to others. Although you come, we still can’t complete your order as we wish.

  • You may ask why you don’t let us put items at AH then we leave, when you have gold can buy our items? The reason is that seller’s name doesn’t show at AH in this game, possibly others will put the same price and items at AH after you for so long time, then we may buy items from the wrong sellers.

So, how to resolve this to get possible fast delivery? For the moment, the best way is you keep contacting us via Live Chat, Skype or SMS when you are playing the game. When you are contacting us, we will offer the highest price in the market to try our best to get the gold, then you put items at AH, we let supplier buy them. Then it's done smoothly. :)

All in all, we are honest, worthy of being trusted. We guarantee 100% delivery or refund. We haven’t completed 11 archeage gold orders up to now, we need that all of you can use the best way as I offer to keep contacting with us when you are playing the game from now on. We know the archeage gold prices are getting higher and higher, and you all want to get gold instead of refund, so follow our guide to try your best and we try our best simultaneously. We will keep improving our service according to the gold market change. Hopefully you won’t leave a bad review to us for the slow delivery. :) Thank you for your understanding.

Are you a archeage player with extra gold? Or do you have a farming workshop on Archeage US server? Please contact us to sell archeage gold to us. Check out our buying archeage gold reputation on 
Epicnpc and Ownedcore.

Jonathan, hopefully you can feel better after you read this and follow our guide to receive your gold asap. 

Have a nice day!

Best Regards
Meihong Zhang

If you need archeage gold, if you hope your order could be completed in time, please follow 
Mmogah guide above for a fast delivery. Good Luck for All of You There!

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