
Lost Ark – A Comprehensive Artist Gear Progression Guide

By Jessie
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You've probably seen a few simple guides for artists in Lost Ark, but you might look for a more comprehensive list of paths to prepare your Artist for Brel Hard. So we put together advanced player's advices from Reddit. Hope it will help you.


In this guide, we assume Brel Hard will release five weeks after Artist's release on April 19. If you want the Artist to reach 1490/1500 in week one and complete the full Brel and level 2 set within two weeks of the release of Brel Hard, this guide is for you!


Note: Let's say that Legendary/lower relic gear has a honed of no more than +20 (1490). You can use maxroll's honing calculator if you want to calculate costs.


Read the post's tables by using the legend below.


A Comprehensive Artist Gear Progression Guide Pic 1


Method 1: Speedrun Brelshaza + Level 2 Set (5 Weeks)


A Comprehensive Artist Gear Progression Guide Pic 2


General Requirements:

You need to do 1 Valtan and 1 Vykas by week 2, do the second Valtan on week 3, and purchase 1 Valtan box.

Clown every week, purchase every box (5 in total).

You need to do Brel 1-4 in week 1, Brel 1-6 within weeks 2-5, and purchase every box (14 total).

You can hone the first two Brel pieces to +19 (1580), which will let you reach 1520 in week 2.



We suggest you do Vykas week one followed by Valtan week two because you will have a 2-piece Yearning on week 1. If you are doing it the other way, it only gives you a single relic piece in week. Both of these two options give you 4-piece Yearning on week 2.



Try to complete Brel and the level 2 set as soon as possible, and this will allow you to run Brel Hard immediately when it's released.



It will cost a lot. Not only do you need to hone two Brel armor to +19, but you also need to buy a lot of boxes.


Method 2: Speedrun 6-Piece Yearning (7 Weeks)


A Comprehensive Artist Gear Progression Guide Pic 3


General Requirements:

You must do Valtan weeks one and two and purchase one box.

You need to do Vykas in week one and week two and purchase both boxes.

You need to do Brel 1-4 weeks 1 and 2 and buy two boxes by the time you complete Brel 1-4 on week 3. Brel 1-6 weeks 3-7.

Do clown weeks 3-7, and buy every box (5 total).

You need to hone the first three Brel pieces to +16 (1550), which will help you reach 1520 after Brel 1-4 week 3.



If you can buy all eight boxes by week 6, the Brel set can be completed by week 6.

If you can hone the first two Brel pieces to +19 (1580) and buy 14 boxes by week 5 (assume that you do Brel 1-6 starting week 2), the Brel set can be completed by week 5.



It can help you complete 6-piece Yearning soon.

Cheapest option because it requires the least amount of honing and boxes.

Brel set can be completed in 5-7 weeks, depending on preference/goals.



It's the slowest way to complete the level 2 set.


Method 3: Balanced (6 Weeks)


Minimize Valtans OR Minimize Vykases


General Requirements:

You need to do 2 Valtans and 1 Vykas by week 2. If minimizing Valtan, you need to buy 1 Valtan box by second Valtan.

Clown week 1 or 2 and weeks 3-6, purchase every box (5 total).

Complete Brel 1-4 in weeks 1 and 2, and buy two boxes by the time you complete Brel 1-4 in week 3. Complete Brel 1-6 in weeks 3-6, and purchase six more boxes (8 total) by week 6.

The first three Brel pieces need to be honed to +16 (1550), which will help you reach 1520 after Brel 1-4 week 3.



Brel set can be completed by week 5 if first two Brel pieces are honed to +19 (1580), letting you do Brel 1-6 starting week 2, and if all (14) boxes are purchased by week 5.



It's the most flexible option for weekly raid selection.



The speed of completing any category is not the fastest nor slowest.



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