
Lost Ark Card System Explained: How does it work? How to Obtain Cards and How to Enhance Cards

Por Nick
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Lost Ark is out for the west for a while, and many players wonder how the Card System works. And you must have some certain question about it as well, such as "Do you need the Lost Ark Gold on this system? MmoGah has put up this guide to give you a brief introduction to the Card System. 


What is Card, and how does it functions?


First, cards in Lost Ark are not for play like The Witcher’s Gwent. They are meant to collect and be used for a player's benefit during adventures. Each card belongs to a set. And each set’s forming cards numbers are not solid, some sets only have two cards, and some sets can have eight cards, but most of the decks contain four cards, as you can see down below.

Equipped section of the Card Catalog

So what exactly does a card set benefit your character? A card deck contains several benefits that will help your character during adventures; this includes Max HP increase, increase damage against certain enemies in certain dungeons, increasing certain types of damage resistance, etc. Players will also receive a small bonus from equipping sets of cards. Unlike the books, sets on the equipped section are different combinations entirely. They do have in common that they will provide boosts when equipped together and more boosts when reaching a certain enhancement level.


The beauty of the preset system is that players who need to tank, support, and DPS will be able to swap between sets with a click of the button. Click on the numbers at the top of the screen to change decks. Those with many decks can switch for fire resistance in one dungeon and dark magic resistance in another. These benefits differ from how many cards you collected in this set and your character’s current awakening levels. You can only equip six cards in one deck, but you can save up to 10 different equipped decks to swap constantly for your benefit.


How to Obtain Cards


Now you know the basics of this system, the second part is how to obtain all these cards. Well, gathering cards should begin while players are still new. Even those who want to level up quickly should see if any unique or rare cards are available at the wandering merchants. There are card packs from the Crystal Store, but this isn't the most efficient way to spend your time and your money. In the Codex section (Under the “Guide” tab and default keys are Alt+D), you can select “All” under the “Cards” section. Here, you can see every card in this game and, most importantly, obtain them. In summary, you can obtain cards through quests, Rapport, dungeons, and raids, Wandering merchant, and achievement. Also, these are the significant ways to get Lost Ark gold as well.

Codex section

How to Enhance Cards


Now you’ve collected some cards, how do you enhance them? This answer is simple; you can spend card XP enhancement point and drag the meter to the right. This will also cost some silver. But one thing is curcial that there is no benefit for partially leveling up a card, so if you can’t fill the meter, save the silver and card XP points and come back later. Eventually, this process will also cost duplicate cards, so make sure you already stock up on extra cards.

Enchance tab

Another question comes, how do you gain those XP enhancement points? You can delete cards or collect duplicate cards that are unique to earn those points. Any cards over the limit will automatically be converted to experience, while those that need card upgrades shouldn't be deleted until it's inevitable that the player won't need them.




While Lost Ark is a lot of fun, the learning process can be tricky. To keep it fresh, many unique mechanics and systems are introduced throughout the game. Some, like cards, are made available right away and don't have enough explanation attached to them. This complex system might turn away amateur players, but it gives the veterans or hardcore players something to farm for besides Lost Ark gold.


And here’s the guide for Lost Ark’s not-too-easy card system. It’s a bit hard to understand, but it also comes with high benefits for any player who can master it. Also, I recommend every one to check Lost Ark's Fandom wiki page, it hasn't have too many information since this game is relatively new to the west, but they are slowly buiding up. And last thing, should you need to buy Lost Ark gold , MmoGah will always be there for you.



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