
Complete Guide to Housing in New World Aeternum

Por Jessie
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In New World: Aeternum, housing is more than just a personal retreat—it plays a crucial role in enhancing your gameplay experience. As you explore the vast and mysterious island of Aeternum, filled with dangers, resources, and settlements, owning a house provides strategic advantages that can make your journey more efficient and rewarding.

A house in New World as a fast travel hub, offers expanded storage capacity, and allows you to display trophies that provide powerful global buffs. Additionally, you can personalize your home with furniture, making it a comfortable and functional base. Whether you are a trader, crafter, or adventurer, understanding the housing system is key to maximizing your efficiency in Aeternum.

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about owning a house in New World: Aeternum, including unlock requirements, the best locations, housing benefits, and key mechanics.

New World Aeternum House Guide

Housing Unlock Levels

• Level 15: Unlocks the ability to purchase your first house. The cost varies based on the house tier.

• Level 35: Allows you to purchase a second house, enabling multi-property ownership.

• Level 55: Grants access to a third house, maximizing housing benefits.

Owning multiple houses increases your fast travel points and storage capacity, making them valuable investments as you progress in the game.

Best Locations to Buy a House

You can purchase houses in several locations, including:

• Windsward

• Everfall

• Monarch's Bluff

• First Light

• Cutlass Keys

• Weaver's Fen

• Brightwood

• Reekwater

• Restless Shore

• Mourningdale

• Ebonscale Reach

• Brimstone Sands

• Mountainhome

• Edengrove

Players often choose their house locations based on proximity to key resources, crafting stations, or high-player activity areas. Each settlement has advantages and drawbacks, so selecting a house depends on your priorities, such as convenience, economy, or strategic positioning.

Benefits of Owning a House

Owning a house provides several in-game advantages:

Trophy Bonuses: You can place trophies inside your house, granting powerful global buffs. These include increased gathering efficiency, crafting bonuses, greater damage against specific enemy types, and improved rare loot drop chances.

• Extra Storage: Houses allow you to place chests, expanding your settlement's storage capacity and helping you manage resources more efficiently.

• Settlement Buffs: By owning a house, you gain access to settlement-wide buffs, which the controlling company activates. These buffs can enhance harvesting yields, improve crafting and gear score, or reduce damage taken from enemies.

• Fast Travel: Your house serves as a personal fast travel point, allowing you to return to it from anywhere on the map. This makes house location a crucial factor in optimizing travel efficiency and gameplay strategy.

Housing Tiers and Benefits 

Houses in the game are divided into four tiers, each with unique requirements, varying New World gold costs, and distinct perks:

Tier 1: Requires territory standing 1, costs 5,000 gold, allows 1 storage chest, and has a 4-hour fast travel cooldown.

Tier 2: Requires territory standing 15, costs 10,000 gold, allows 2 storage chests, and has a 3-hour fast travel cooldown.

Tier 3: Requires territory standing 20, costs 15,000 gold, allows 3 storage chests, and has a 2.5-hour fast travel cooldown.

Tier 4: Requires territory standing 30, costs 20,000 gold, allows 4 storage chests, and has a 2-hour fast travel cooldown.

First House Discount

You receive a 5,000 gold discount when purchasing your first house, regardless of the tier. For example, if you buy a 10,000 gold house, you'll only need to pay 5,000 gold. This discount applies to any house tier, so you can wait until you qualify for a Tier 4 house and still benefit from the reduced price.

Property Taxes and Consequences

Owning a house requires paying weekly property taxes, which must be settled every seven days. The tax rate is determined by the company controlling the territory, and you can view the base property tax in the housing menu before purchasing.

If taxes go unpaid:

• Fast travel is disabled for that house.

• Trophy buffs are deactivated.

• Storage access from that house is restricted.

However, unpaid taxes do not accumulate over time. If you're absent for an extended period, you'll only need to pay for the previous week to regain full access.

Abandoning a House

If you abandon a house, you can do so through the housing menu. However, keep in mind:

• All stored items will be moved to the settlement's storage. If your storage is full, you may not be able to retrieve all items immediately.

• There is NO refund for abandoning a house. The gold spent on purchasing the house is non-refundable.

• Property taxes are lost upon abandonment. Any remaining time on your current tax payment will not be refunded.

• Abandoning a house is permanent. If you wish to own another house, you will need to repurchase it at full price.

Before abandoning a house, consider whether relocating or keeping it for storage and fast travel is more beneficial.

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