
New World Five Bow Tips

Por Jessie
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This article reveals the 5 most frequent errors that every novice archer in New World commits. These mistakes can affect your performance and enjoyment of the game, and prevent you from becoming a master archer. I will explain each mistake in detail, and give you some tips and tricks on how to correct them. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to play as an archer in New World, and how to unleash your full potential. Let's get started.

Crouch Shoot

Crouch Shoot can help load the shot more quickly, but most players haven't tested it to see if it helps. Crouching before firing will increase the time to charge the heavy shot. Let’s see the test.


Crouching once increases the time to get the shot ready by approximately 20%, and twice by 30%. This means that while you fire five shots, your crouching enemies will fire three or four, which makes a big difference.

Hold Aim

The second mistake is not releasing your aim when using dodge. When you use a dodge normally, your character moves about 6m. When you keep the aim button pressed, this distance is halved. You can use this mechanic to your benefit to stop before a skill and be unpredictable. But when you are repositioning yourself or opening distance, never keep the aim button pressed.

Copy Builds

The third mistake is copying a build without trying to understand the build. When you saw someone playing with an incredible build, it doesn't mean this build is the best in the entire scenario. You need to try to assess whether it fits into your gameplay, current situation, etc. For example, the build with Pen Shot, Evade, and Explosive is incredible for 1v1 situations where you act like an assassin, but it is horrible for expeditions. So rather than just copying the build, adapt the build to your gameplay.


The fourth mistake is jumping for no reason. The jump is used to make a sudden change of direction: get out of certain types of slows like Ice Storm, or get out of some post animation. In some cases, when you are against bad players, you can dodge by jumping. But when against good players, you will become an easy hit. And when you jump your stamina stops recovering, if you keep jumping without stopping, it won't come back, and this can be dangerous.

If your enemy keeps jumping, you can hit it easily. Here in this example:


you can see that you need to follow the enemy's movement and release the arrow where the enemy will Land. By refining this technique, it becomes easier to hit your enemy.

Don't Move

The last mistake is staying still while shooting. It is very important that you move while shooting. Use some Dodges to activate evasive tactics and to avoid becoming an extremely easy target. When you stand still, your damage potential decreases. You are at risk of receiving a combo from enemies, and the worst of all is that if you are too far away from your team, your team cannot count on you. 

The bow is a mid-range weapon with high potential for damage or utility. Play with your team, hunt enemies just don't freeze like a statue.  

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This article has shown you the 5 most common mistakes that every archer beginner in New World makes, and how to avoid them. You can also check out the video for more visual examples and explanations of these mistakes. Thank you for reading this article, and we hope you learned something useful.

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