
Ultimate Guide to Farming Gold in Warmane 2024: Best Class, Professions, and Spots

Por Shirley Huang
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Recently, Warmane's Onyxia server launched the Pre-Patch for The Burning Crusade on Nov 16, 2024, and officially opened the Dark Portal on Nov 18. The Onyxia server offers a multi-version experience, allowing players to enjoy Vanilla, The Burning Crusade (TBC), and Wrath of the Lich King (WotLK). With x5 experience rates for faster leveling, rich PvP and PvE content including classic 40-man raids and arenas, and quality of life improvements like Dual Talent specialization, dungeon finder, and the achievement system, it provides an enhanced gaming experience.

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Warmane gold is a crucial resource for upgrading gear, purchasing items, and trading. Whether you're a new player or a veteran, mastering efficient gold farming methods can make your gaming experience smoother and more enjoyable. This guide will tell you the best classes, professions, spots, and strategies for gold making.


Best Class for Gold Farming

When it comes to gold farming in TBC, certain classes stand out due to their efficiency and versatility. Druid and Hunter are often considered the best choices.

• Druid: With his ability to switch between forms, Druid can gather resources quickly and avoid combat when necessary. His flight form is particularly useful for gathering herbs and mining nodes in Outland.

• Hunter: Hunter has excellent solo capabilities and can efficiently farm mobs for valuable drops. His pets can tank, allowing the Hunter to focus on dealing damage and collecting loot.


Best Professions for Gold Farming

Choosing the right professions can significantly boost your gold income. Here are some of the best professions for TBC:

1. Mining and Herbalism: These gathering professions are highly profitable. Mining nodes and herb patches are abundant in Outland, and the materials gathered can be sold for a good profit on the Auction House.

2. Skinning: This is another great gathering profession, especially when combined with farming beasts in areas like Nagrand. Leather and hides are always in demand.

3. Enchanting: Disenchanting unwanted gear can yield valuable materials that sell well. This profession pairs well with Tailoring, as you can craft items to disenchant.

4. Jewelcrafting: This profession can be lucrative due to the demand for gems. Prospecting ore can yield rare gems that sell for high prices.

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Best Gold Farming Spots

1. Netherstorm: This zone is rich in both mining nodes and herb patches. Look for Adamantite and Fel Iron deposits, as well as Dreaming Glory and Netherbloom herbs.

2. Nagrand: Known for its plentiful beasts, Nagrand is an excellent spot for skinning. You can also find mining nodes and herbs here. The Elemental Plateau is a prime location for farming motes of air and fire.

3. Shadowmoon Valley: This area is great for mining Khorium and Adamantite, as well as gathering herbs like Nightmare Vine. The zone also has plenty of mobs that drop valuable loot.

4. Blade's Edge Mountains: This zone offers a mix of mining, herbalism, and skinning opportunities. The ogres in the area drop valuable items and can be farmed for gold.

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Additional Tips

Daily Quests

Completing daily quests in areas like Skettis and Ogri'la can provide a steady income of gold. These quests are relatively easy and can be done quickly, making them a reliable source of income.

Auction House Flipping

Utilize the Auction House to buy undervalued items and sell them at a higher price. Add-ons like Auctionator can help you manage your listings and maximize profits. This method requires some initial investment but can be very lucrative.

Farming Specific Mobs

Onslaught Harbor in Icecrown: This spot is great for farming mobs that drop valuable items and clothes. Tailors can benefit from Northrend Scavenging, which gives extra cloth drops. This area is less crowded, allowing for uninterrupted farming.

Combine Resources

Focus on routes that allow you to gather multiple types of resources. For example, a route that includes both mining nodes and herb patches will be more efficient than one that focuses on a single resource.


By following the methods outlined above, you can easily accumulate a substantial amount of gold in Warmane, enhancing your gaming experience. Remember, patience and persistence are key to success. I hope this guide helps you achieve greater accomplishments and enjoy more fun in the game. Good luck, adventurer!

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