
WotLK Phase 4: Hunter BiS Gear Guide and Leveling Tips

Por Shirley Huang
Publicado en 2023-11-03
Ultima actualización en 2023-12-21

During WotLK Phase 4, Hunters excel at dealing ranged damage with their bows and guns while utilizing their pets to provide additional utility and DPS. They are widely considered to be one of the strongest solo-leveling classes.


Having the Best in Slot (BiS) gear is crucial for maximizing your character's performance. You can obtain gear from raids, dungeons, PvP, professions, bind-on equip drops, and reputations. Owning strong gear can also help you level up fast. Today, we will share the Hunter class BiS gear guide and leveling tips in Phase 4.


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There are some BiS gear for Hunters, so if you are extremely skilled in WotLK, it's likely going to be several levels of selling off all the gear you get, which means you will get more WotLK gold.

Head: Cryptstalker Headpiece: This tier 7 raid set piece provides Agility, Stamina, and Critical Strike rating.

Heroes' Cryptstalker Headpiece: This PvP set headpiece provides similar stats to the Valorous version but can be obtained through PvP.


Neck: of the Wailing Night: This necklace drops from Anub'arak in 10-man Trial of the Crusader and provides Agility, Stamina, and Critical Strike ratings.

Titanium Impact Choker: This BoE necklace requires Jewelcrafting and provides similar stats to the Broach of the Wailing Night.


Shoulders: Cryptstalker Spaulders: This tier 7 raid set piece provides Agility, Stamina, and Critical Strike rating.

Heroes' Cryptstalker Spaulders: This PvP set shoulder piece provides similar stats to the Valorous version but can be obtained through PvP.


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Drape of the Untamed Predator: This cloak drops from Emalon the Storm Watcher in 25-man Vault of Archavon and provides Agility, Stamina, and Attack Power.

Platinum Mesh Cloak: This BoE cloak can be obtained through crafting or the Auction House and provides similar stats to the Drape of the Untamed Predator.



Valorous Cryptstalker Tunic: This tier 7 raid set piece provides Agility, Stamina, and Critical Strike rating.

Heroes' Cryptstalker Tunic: This PvP set chest piece provides similar stats to the Valorous version but can be obtained through PvP.



Bracers of Swift Death: These bracers drop from Anub'arak in 25-man Trial of the Crusader and provide Agility, Stamina, and Critical Strike ratings.

Vambraces of the Silver Champion: These bracers drop from the Black Knight in 10-man Trial of the Champion and provide similar stats to the Bracers of Swift Death.



Valorous Cryptstalker Gloves: This tier 7 raid set piece provides Agility, Stamina, and Critical Strike rating.

Heroes' Cryptstalker Gloves: This PvP set glove piece provides similar stats to the Valorous version but can be obtained through PvP.



Belt of the Lonely Noble: This belt drops from the Black Knight in 25-man Trial of the Champion and provides Agility, Stamina, and Critical Strike rating.

Indestructible Plate Girdle: This BoE belt can be obtained through crafting or the Auction House and provides similar stats to the Belt of the Lonely Noble.



Leggings of the Tireless Sentry: These leggings drop from Emalon the Storm Watcher in 10-man Vault of Archavon and provide Agility, Stamina, and Critical Strike rating.

Valorous Cryptstalker Legguards: This tier 7 raid set piece provides similar stats to the Leggings of the Tireless Sentry but is obtained through raiding.



Footpads of Silence: These boots drop from Anub'arak in 10-man Trial of the Crusader and provide Agility, Stamina, and Critical Strike rating.

Boots of Wintry Endurance: These boots drop from Sjonnir the Ironshaper in 10-man Halls of Stone and provide similar stats to the Footpads of Silence.



Fal'inrush, Defender of Quel'thalas: This bow drops from Kil'jaeden in Sunwell Plateau and provides Agility, Stamina, and Attack Power.

Wrathful Gladiator's Longbow: This PvP bow provides similar stats to Fal'inrush and can be obtained through PvP.


Melee Weapon:

Titansteel Shanker: This BoE dagger can be obtained through crafting or the Auction House and provides Agility, Stamina, and Attack Power.

Webbed Death: This polearm drops from Anub'arak in 10-man Trial of the Crusader and provides similar stats to the Titansteel Shanker.


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Here, we share some leveling tips (level 70 to 80) with you. If you are tired of grinding dungeons or doing quests, our fast and safe WotLK power leveling is your best choice.

Level 70-72:

Start questing in Borean Tundra or Howling Fjord. Quests are plentiful and easy to complete, providing good experience and gear upgrades.

Aim to complete all quests in a zone before moving on to the next one.

Keep your pet happy and fed to ensure maximum efficiency in combat.

Train new abilities as you level up and experiment with different talent builds to find what works best for your playstyle.

Focus on Agility and Attack Power for gear upgrades.


Level 73-75:

Move on to Dragonblight or Grizzly Hills for more challenging quests and better rewards.

Continue questing and completing all available quests in each zone.

Consider joining a dungeon group through the dungeon finder tool to break up the monotony of questing and gain additional experience and gear drops.

Keep an eye out for rare mobs and treasure chests, as they often contain valuable loot.

Train new abilities and experiment with talent builds as you level up.

Prioritize Agility, Attack Power, and Critical Strike for gear upgrades.


Level 76-80:

Head to Zul'Drak or Sholazar Basin for the final stretch of leveling.

Complete quests, join dungeon groups and keep an eye out for rare mobs and treasure chests as before.

Focus on Agility, Attack Power, Critical Strike, and Haste for gear upgrades.

Consider investing in Glyphs to enhance your abilities and playstyle.


General Tips:

Keep your pet happy and fed at all times.

Use your abilities wisely and efficiently to conserve resources and maximize damage output.

Always have food and drinks on hand to replenish your health and mana.

Stay aware of your surroundings and be prepared for unexpected enemy encounters.

Join a guild or group of friends for additional support and camaraderie.


Keep in mind that BiS gear or leveling strategies may vary depending on your playstyle, experience, and specific server conditions. Experiment with different approaches to find what works best for you, and have fun on your journey to level 80!



Related Links:

WotLK Phase 4 Mage Best in Slot Gear Guide

WotLK Phase 4 DPS Ranking Guide

WotLK Phase 4 Healer Rankings Guide

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