
WoW Cata Classic Zul'Aman and Zul'Gurub Dungeons Guide

Por Shirley Huang
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Cataclysm Classic Phase 2: Rise of the Zandalari introduces two iconic troll dungeons: Zul'Aman and Zul'Gurub. They not only offer thrilling challenges and epic loot but also provide players with the opportunity to earn valuable WoW Cataclysm gold. Whether you're aiming to conquer formidable bosses or seeking to collect rare mounts, this guide will equip you with the strategies and tips needed to navigate these Heroic dungeons successfully.

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Players must have an average item level of at least 346 to access Zul'Aman and Zul'Gurub. These two Heroic dungeons are categorized in a distinct Heroic difficulty tier within the Dungeon Finder, positioned above the existing Cataclysm Heroic dungeons.



Location and How to Reach

Zul'Aman is located in the Ghostlands, which is in the Eastern Kingdoms. You can reach it by traveling to the Ghostlands from the Eastern Plaguelands or by using a portal if you have one available.

Bosses and Strategies

1. Akil'zon (Eagle Avatar): Avoid his electrical storm by moving to the safe spot under the storm cloud. Interrupt his Static Disruption ability.

2. Nalorakk (Bear Avatar): Tank swap during his Brutal Strike to manage the debuff. Avoid his charge by spreading out.

3. Jan'alai (Dragonhawk Avatar): Manage the hatchlings by killing them in waves. Avoid his Flame Breath and Fire Bombs.

4. Halazzi (Lynx Avatar): Focus on killing the Spirit of the Lynx when it spawns. Heal through his Frenzy ability.

5. Hex Lord Malacrass: Interrupt his Spirit Bolts and focus on killing his adds first. Be prepared for his various abilities depending on which spirits he channels.

6. Daakara: He will transform into different animal forms. Adapt your strategy based on his current form, similar to the previous animal bosses.

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Location and How to Reach

Zul'Gurub is located in the northeastern part of Stranglethorn Vale in the Eastern Kingdoms. You can reach it by traveling through Northern Stranglethorn.

Bosses and Strategies

1. High Priest Venoxis: Avoid his Toxic Link by moving away from your linked partner. Stay out of the green poison pools and interrupt his Venomous Effusion.

2. Broodlord Mandokir: Avoid his Decapitate ability by staying spread out. Kill the raptor, Ohgan, quickly when it spawns to prevent it from resurrecting Mandokir's fallen allies.

3. High Priestess Kilnara: Manage her panther adds by killing them in waves. Avoid her Tears of Blood ability by spreading out.

4. Zanzil: Avoid his Zanzil Fire by moving out of the fire patches. He uses the cauldrons around the room to gain buffs that help counter his abilities.

5. Jin'do the Godbreaker: Focus on killing the Gurubashi Spirits to break the chains on Hakkar. Avoid standing in the Dead Zone and kill the Shadows of Hakkar quickly.

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Rare Mounts and More

Similar to the original versions of Zul'Gurub and Zul'Aman, players have the opportunity to acquire updated rare mounts. In Zul'Gurub, you can obtain the Zulian Panther and Razzashi Raptor. In Zul'Aman, the Amani Battle Bear is awarded for defeating the first four bosses within a set time limit.


Tips for Success

•Preparation: Ensure your group meets the item level requirement and has a balanced composition of tank, healer, and DPS.

• Communication: Use voice chat or in-game chat to coordinate strategies, especially for boss mechanics that require precise timing and positioning.

• Gear: Equip gear with appropriate stats for your role. Enchantments and consumables like potions and flasks can also make a significant difference. Consider buying WoW Cata boosting services to quickly reach the required item level.


Both dungeons offer epic-quality loot with item level 353, making them valuable for gearing up your character. Prepare your gear, gather your allies, and embark on an adventure filled with danger and rewards!

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