
Phase 4 SoD Leveling Guide: Fast Way to Level Up from 50 to 60

Por Shirley Huang
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To level up quickly from 50 to 60 in WoW SoD Phase 4, you can focus on both efficient questing and dungeon runs. Here's a detailed guide to help you level up fast in the game.

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Leveling Zones and Routes

Leveling 50-52: Western Plaguelands

• Quests: Start at Chillwind Camp (Alliance) or The Bulwark (Horde). Focus on quests around Sorrow Hill and the Ruins of Andorhal.

• Tips: Group up for elite quests to save time and gain more experience. The undead mobs here also drop valuable items for Argent Dawn reputation.


Leveling 52-54: Felwood

• Quests: Pick up quests from Emerald Sanctuary. Prioritize killing Satyrs and collecting their items.

• Tips: Use the flight path to quickly return to town for turn-ins. Felwood is also great for gathering herbs and mining nodes.


Leveling 54-56: Un'Goro Crater

• Quests: Collect quests from Marshal's Refuge. Focus on the eastern and northern parts of the crater.

• Tips: Gather materials for future crafting professions while questing. The area is rich in herbs and mining nodes.


Leveling 56-58: Burning Steppes

• Quests: Start at Morgan's Vigil (Alliance) or Flame Crest (Horde). Complete quests around Dreadmaul Rock and the Ruins of Thaurissan.

• Tips: Avoid the elite dragons unless you have a group. The quests here are straightforward and offer a good experience.


Leveling 58-60: Western Plaguelands/Eastern Plaguelands

• Quests: Return to Western Plaguelands for final quests, then move to Eastern Plaguelands for quests around Light's Hope Chapel.

• Tips: Focus on killing undead for Argent Dawn reputation. The quests here are challenging but offer great rewards.

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Leveling through Dungeons

Dungeons like Blackrock Spire, Stratholme, and Scholomance are excellent choices. They offer high mob density and numerous quests, providing significant experience points and valuable gear. Make sure to form a solid group and methodically clear these dungeons, ensuring you complete the associated quests for additional experience.


1. Blackrock Spire

• Levels: 52-60

• Tips: Focus on completing the quests inside the dungeon for massive experience gains. Group up with players who know the layout to save time.


2. Stratholme

• Levels: 58-60

• Tips: Prioritize the undead side for faster clears. The live side can be more challenging but offers good loot.


3. Scholomance

• Levels: 58-60

• Tips: This dungeon is great for both experience and loot. Make sure to complete all quests available for maximum gains.

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Leveling through Quests

Horde: Start in Un'Goro Crater (50-55), move to Felwood (50-55), then to Western Plaguelands (55-58), and finish in Eastern Plaguelands (58-60).

Alliance: Begin in Searing Gorge (50-55), proceed to Burning Steppes (50-55), then to Western Plaguelands (55-58), and complete in Eastern Plaguelands (58-60).

Focus on completing quest chains in these zones, as they often offer more experience and better rewards. If you're short on time, consider buying WoW SoD boosting service to handle the grind for you.


Quest Tips

• Group Up: Whenever possible, group up with other players to complete quests faster and tackle elite quests.

• Rested Experience: Log out in inns or major cities to accumulate rested experience, which doubles your experience gains from killing monsters.

• Efficient Travel: Use flight paths and hearthstones efficiently to minimize downtime.


Leveling Strategies

• Professions: Gather materials for your professions while leveling. This can save time and SoD gold later. Utilize professions to gather or craft items that can be sold for gold or used to enhance your character.

• Gear Up: Keep your gear updated, especially your weapon. A good weapon can significantly speed up your leveling process.

• Consumables: Use potions, food, and scrolls to boost your stats and survivability.

• Participate in group play to speed up questing and dungeon runs, leveraging teamwork and shared objectives.


By combining these tips, you can maximize your leveling efficiency in the Season of Discovery Phase 4. Happy leveling!



Related Links:

WoW SoD Phase 4 Tier List Guide: DPS, Healer, and Tank Rankings

Phase 4 SoD Raids and Bosses Guide

SoD Phase 4 New Runes and How to Obtain Them


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