
Timewalking Wrath of the Lich King in World of Warcraft

Por Cathy Deng
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World of Warcraft Bonus Event is underway and we’re headed to Northrend to do some Timewalking.

Northrend Timewalking is back! 


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This Week (August 1-8)

All week, open Group Finder (default hotkey: i) and then select Dungeon Finder and Timewalking in the Type dropdown. When you hit ‘Find Group’, you will be matched up with other players and sent to one of the following Heroic dungeons:

  • Utgarde Pinnacle
  • Halls of Lightning
  • Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom
  • Gundrak
  • The Nexus
  • Pit of Saron

Your character and items will be scaled down to a power level fitting for the challenge at hand, but bosses will yield loot appropriate for your natural level. Timewalking dungeons also have a chance to drop items that usually drop when you run them on Heroic, and you’ll earn reputation with a faction that is interested in the dungeon. For instance, when you Timewalk through Utgarde Pinnacle, Skadi the Ruthless could drop the Blue Proto-Drake mount for you.


Look for the following all week long:

Archmage Timear near Violet Hold in Dalaran has a quest for you. You can also start the quest from within the Adventure Guide (Shift-"J").

- Quest requirement: Complete five Timewalking dungeons.

- Rewards: One Seal of Broken Fate and one loot box including a piece of gear from Normal difficulty Tomb of Sargeras.


Every Week

The Bonus Events system consists of a rotating schedule of different activities, currently scheduled to run each week beginning on Tuesdays. Every Bonus Event grants a passive bonus to a particular game activity and offers a once-per-event quest with a noteworthy reward for accomplishing a related goal. The in-game calendar can serve as your one-stop reference for the event schedule. And the Adventure Guide offers a direct link to active Bonus Events, which allows you to simply accept any associated quests.


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