
Blade and Soul - Blade Master Is Known as the Jack-of-all-trades Martial Artist

Par John Ryan
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Every class has its own characters in blade and soul, and it has different ways to utilize its skills to beat enemies. We have introduced Kung Fu master in last article: Kung Fu master's amazing guide. Today mmogah continues introducing another class - Blade Master. This is a popular class in blade & soul, since his/her great advantage is versatile. At the same time, it is a well-rounded class that is easy to use but difficult to master. You need to master a lot of skills and effective think, but it doesn't have overt disadvantages that enemies can attack. Blade master's advantage is that they have offensive skills and defensive capabilities, so this class is known as the jack-of-all-trades martial artist. 


bns blade and master


When you are a Blade Master, you are the center of team. Blade Master is a "Warrior" class that specializes in sword combat to deliver a variety of attacks. It is good at parrying and evading enemies' blows. Blade Master has a wide variety of attacks and defense skills that become a powerful force during the battlefield. It relies on high attack speed and defense ability around an enemy, parrying the enemy without pause, and then he/she can counter any attacks. Blade Master can use Flying Sword technique to attack enemies from a distance.

Blade Master focuses on dealing two types of damage: Fire and Lightning. Not all skills have an associated elemental damage, but it will increase his/her damage if you select the right items. In the long run, damage is proved to be useful when you reach later game stages.


Blade Master in PVP

Compared to other classes, Blade Master is generally regarded as a lower-tier PVP class. Combos are not as easy to build as other classes, and you need to master a lot of skills to beat enemies, but other classes don't need so much knowledge to beat them. However, once you have truly mastered Blade Master's skills, you will be unbeatable in PVP. Currently, a majority of players of low rank are Blade Masters and Kung Fu masters, since these two classes are the hardest to learn and use skills in PVP. In battle, the Blade Master is able to swiftly switch between stances, allowing for many combinations of attacks in either Basic Stance or blindingly-fast Draw Stance, calling on a unique set of skills only available in those stances. With the Flock of Blade technique, he/she can summon a flurry of flying sword to overwhelm the enemies.

Keep in mind that it is important to keep the balance in switching stances when it comes to arena PVP. It is good to know that you deal high damage with abilities when in Draw Stance. However, if you are restricted in movement or is limited by condition frequently, you will get a high possibility of damage to be nullified.


All in all, it is hard to master many skills of Blade Master. If you have no time to do it, you can buy blade & soul gold  from a professional site. If you need Blade & Soul Power Leveling handwork service, then you can contact us at any time when you free. Our Live Chat is 24/7 online waiting for you. 





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