
FFXIV: Changes to Allagan Tomestones in Patch 4.2

Par Helen Keller
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The official had announced that FFXIV Patch 4.2 would be released on the end of January, 2018. Before that, the official will update the relating news one by one, and MmoGah (ranking No.1 FFXIV Gil Selling Website on google) will also upload the patch 4.2 news following the official steps. Here is about Changes to Allagan Tomestones in Patch 4.2.


The official notes that Patch 4.2 will see a number of changes to tomestone currency, including the introduction of a new Allagan tomestone, and the removal of Allagan tomestones of lore and scripture. They ask that any players currently carrying Allagan tomestones of lore or scripture please exchange them for Allagan tomestones of poetics prior to the scheduled maintenance for patch 4.2.


Allagan Tomestones of Mendacity

Allagan tomestones of mendacity will be added with patch 4.2. This new currency can only be received after reaching level 70 with at least one class or job.


Allagan Tomestones of Creation

The weekly obtainment cap for Allagan tomestones of creation will be removed.

* The maximum store of 2,000 tomestones has not been changed.


Allagan Tomestones of Verity

Allagan tomestones of verity will no longer be obtainable.

All trials and duties that yield Allagan tomestones of verity will instead offer either Allagan        tomestones of creation or the new Allagan tomestone currency.


Players will no longer be able to exchange Allagan tomestones of verity for items.

Although Allagan tomestones of verity will not be removed, items obtained through their exchange will be made available through other means.

Allagan Tomestones of Lore and Scripture

With the release of patch 4.2, any remaining Allagan tomestones of lore or scripture in the possession of players will be removed from the game. The official asks that any player currently carrying Allagan tomestones of lore or scripture please exchange them for Allagan tomestones of poetics prior to the scheduled maintenance for patch 4.2.


Allagan tomestones of lore and scripture can be exchanged for Allagan tomestones of poetics by speaking with Auriana at Revenant’s Toll (X:22.7 Y:6.7).


Allagan Tomestones of Poetics

Allagan tomestones of poetics will be obtainable from trials and duties up to level 60, as well as the Duty Roulette.


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