
Final Fantasy XIV Minion Guide – Patch 6.2 Minions and How to Get Them

Par Nightmare
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With each update, Final Fantasy XIV is receiving some amazing new content and Minions. There are new locations and new functionalities that developers put up in patch 6.2 Endwalker for Minion collectors and players who are interested in getting them. Here we have a guide about where and how to get them.


FFXIV Minions


Minions in FFXIV

In case you are new to the game and unsure about the Minions, we will discuss it first. Minions are referred to as pets and don't have any function in the gameplay. Some Minions respond to some emotes and only stick to their owners.


To summon the Minions, you can open your Minion Guide found under Character in the main menu or drag the icon and set it on one of your hotbars. When you want that Minion out on your side, you can press or click it like an ability.


You need to know that you can't call multiple Minions at a time. When you summon another Minion while you already have one, the former one will disappear.


Wind-up Scarmiglione in FFXIV

The first one we have here in our Guide is the Scarmiglione, which you can obtain through the Fell Court of Troia dungeon and only drops from the final chest. It is a rare drop in comparison to most other Minions.


On the other hand, if you are not in the mood to do some RNG (Random Number Generator) game, you can get this Minion from the Market Board (MB) to make things easier when you have enough Gil. If you can't afford it, you can buy safe and cheap Gil in FFXIV at MmoGah with fast delivery, then purchase the Minions you want from the MB.


Wind-up Scarmiglione


Wind-up Erichthonios in FFXIV

Next up in our Guide is Erichthonios from Abyssos: The Eighth Circle, or Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (Savage), a level 90 raid introduced in patch 6.2 with Endwalker. This Minion is Unsellable Market Prohibited, so you can only acquire it from the raid. There is no shortcut.


Wind-up Erichthonios


Pterosquirrel in FFXIV

Another new Minion included in Patch 6.2 is Pterosquirrel. There are two ways to get this Minion. One is to spend 400 Faux Leaves to exchange with the Faux Commander, which you can find in Idyllshire at X:5.7 Y:6.1.


You can earn Faux Leaves by playing the Faux Hollows Unreal Trials once a week, so using this way will take some time to get the Minion.


Another way to get the Minion is by purchasing it from the MB. Since it is tradeable, you can sell it, too, if you want to make some Gil in FFXIV.


This Minion is adorable. When you use the pat emote, it will jump and fly. When you use the handover emote, it will feed from your hand and can stand on your shoulder when you use the emote beckon.




Felicitous Fuzzball in FFXIV

Another Minion in FFXIV Patch 6.2 is Felicitous Fuzzball. It is a Minion from your Island Sanctuary. You can use 4k Seafarer's Cowries to exchange it, but if you haven't done with your Island yet, do not exchange it. You need those blue currencies to upgrade your Island first, then exchange Minions, Glamours, or any other things they offer.


This Minion is untradeable, so you have to earn it by yourself.


Felicitous Fuzzball


Clockwork Cerulean Chaser and Clockwork Crimson Chaser in FFXIV

Lastly, we have two Minions from the PvP series. You have to be at level 15 and Level 16 in the PvP series to get them, and these are time sensitive, meaning you can only get them during PvP series 2, which is before patch 6.3.


If you want them, starting grinding your Crystalline ranks before patch 6.2 ends is a good idea.


PvP Minions


Well, that's all to the Minions in FFXIV Patch 6.2. If you want to have new cute buddies while traveling the world of Eorzea, make sure to check this Guide.


Thank you for reading, and enjoy playing Final Fantasy XIV.


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