
10 Best Pals for New Players in Palworld

Par Michel Z
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In Palworld, you can capture, tame, breed, and utilize creatures called Pals. Each Pal has unique elements, skills, and abilities that make them suitable for different tasks and battles. Additionally, some of them can even be used as mounts. You can obtain Pals by catching them with Pal Spheres, which are important items in Palworld, or by purchasing them from the Pal Merchant using gold coins.


There are many different Pals you can collect in Palworld. As a new player, you might wonder which ones you should focus on first. Thankfully, SwanyPlaysGames has put together a guide that lists the top 10 Pals to collect early on in the game. These Pals are ranked based on their usefulness for exploration and work, as well as how difficult they are to acquire.



The ranking of the Pals in this guide is also determined by their spawn point, which is at Windswept Hills. This is the easiest and least difficult spawn point in the game. Hence, most of the Pals can be found in this area. You can refer to the pictures that display the locations where the Pals can be found. The map was created by a Reddit user named Embarrassed-Notice32.


Top 10: Cremis

 The Cremis Spawn Locations 

The Cremis Spawn Locations


The Cremis is one of the cutest Pals in the game. However, it can only be used for gathering resources, so it may not be very useful at your base. Nonetheless, it possesses multiple attack moves that make it a valuable asset in early fights. Moves like Sand Blast, Shockwave, and Power Bomb are all highly effective and can cause significant damage to your opponents. These move combos can remain useful even as you progress further into the game.


The Cremis is usually in the first six or so Pals you will discover, making it easy to find. If you plan on catching the Cremis, it is recommended that you capture it before attacking, as it can pack quite a punch.


The Cremis can be easily found throughout the map, including many spawn points near the Windswept Hills.


Top 9: Cattiva

 The Cattiva Spawn Locations

The Cattiva Spawn Locations


The Cattiva is one of the initial Pals you will come across in Palworld. It is relatively easy to capture, but since it is easily frightened, it may be slightly more challenging to obtain than the Lamball or Chikipi. Nevertheless, in the early game, it can be a significant advantage.


When you start playing the game, it can be challenging to find Pals that are capable of mining. However, the Cattiva is one of the first Pals you encounter that can mine. In addition to mining, Cattivas can gather, do handiwork, and transport, making them suitable for most tasks in the early levels of the game. The best part is that Cattivas are widespread and can be found almost everywhere, so it's effortless to get your hands on one.


Top 8: Foxparks

 The Foxparks Spawn Locations

The Foxparks Spawn Locations


No. 8 on this list is Foxparks, and it is included for two reasons.


Firstly, it is easy to obtain and does not put up much of a fight. Additionally, it is readily available in the early stages of the game.


Secondly, the Foxparks is the only Pal that can kindle in the major early game. Kindling is essential for cooking food or getting metal ingots. As a new player, cooking is important to keep hunger at bay, and if you don't have a Foxparks, you'll have to do that all by yourself. Additionally, the Foxparks can transform into a flamethrower, which can benefit you.


Top 7: Caprity

 The Caprity Spawn Locations

The Caprity Spawn Locations


The Caprity is a bit difficult to locate in the early stages of the game, but as you progress, you'll come across it more frequently. Caprities is one of the first Pals you will encounter that possesses a level-two Planting skill. As a new player, you will not encounter the Planting skill very often, but this skill is critical for maintaining a high yield of your berry plantations and feeding you and your Pals. Additionally, if the Caprity grazes at the Ranch, it will find even more red berries. 


The Caprities do not spawn at the initial spawn point of Windswept Hills, but they are just a little further away.


Top 6: Lamball

 The Lamball Spawn Locations

The Lamball Spawn Locations


Lamballs can be found almost anywhere in the game. Although some people may consider them as the worst Pal, this is not entirely true. In fact, Lamballs are the easiest Pal to acquire, which is their biggest advantage. They don't offer much resistance and can be captured effortlessly.


Once captured and brought to your base, Lamballs can help you with various tasks and can be used for transporting. Additionally, they produce Wool in the Ranch, which can be used to make clothes and other items. Therefore, Lamballs are extremely useful, especially for players who have just started playing the game.


Top 5: Celaray

 The Celaray Spawn Locations

The Celaray Spawn Locations


As a new player, finding the Celaray Pal might not be the easiest task, but it's not too difficult either. However, capturing it can be a bit challenging since it flies and hovers over the water. Despite this, it's definitely worth the effort since Celaray has the rare Watering skill, which is crucial for your base in the early game. Additionally, its partner skill, Zephyr Glider, is highly valuable since flyers are hard to come by at the beginning of the game. Crafting the Celaray's glider doesn't require many resources, and once you have it, you can access hard-to-reach areas. Therefore, it's highly recommended to capture a Celaray as soon as possible.


Top 4: Eikthyrdeer

 The Eikthyrdeer Spawn Locations

The Eikthyrdeer Spawn Locations


The Eikthyrdeer would rank higher if it were easier to capture. However, it is a valuable asset due to its level-2 Deforesting skill. There are few Pals that can do logging early on, making the Eikthyrdeer a valuable companion. Moreover, the Eikthyrdeer can be ridden with a saddle, making it one of the first Pals you can ride in the game. Additionally, it is a formidable fighter and can use moves while you are riding it.


Top 3: Pengullet

 The Pengullet Spawn Locations

The Pengullet Spawn Locations


The Pengullet can be found easily at multiple spawn points and has some very useful early-game skills. One of its most important skills is the Watering skill, which is rare in the early game. This makes the Pengullet an essential Pal to have. Additionally, the Pengullet is one of the first Pals to have four abilities: Watering, Handiwork, Cooling, and Transporting. It can even be used as a rocket launcher, which is pretty cool.


Top 2: Tanzee

 The Tanzee Spawn Locations

The Tanzee Spawn Locations


The Tanzee is a highly versatile worker that players can find in the early game of a particular game. It possesses five different working abilities, including Planting, Handiwork, Gathering, Deforesting, and Transporting. Among these five skills, Planting and Deforesting are rare abilities to find during the initial stages of the game. With these skills, the Tanzee becomes a valuable asset as it can perform various tasks. 


It may take a bit of exploration to find a Tanzee, but it isn't too difficult. Furthermore, the Tanzee is not a challenging opponent to subdue.


Top 1: Lifmunk

 The Lifmunk Spawn Locations

The Lifmunk Spawn Locations


The Lifmunk is not a difficult Pal to collect or find, although it may take some time to explore. Similar to the Tanzee, the Lifmunk is also quite versatile. Both have almost the same skills, with the exception that the Lifmunk possesses the Medicine Production skill instead of Transporting. This makes it incredibly valuable, as the Medicine Production skill is a rare early skill.


Additionally, the Lifmunk can transform into a machine gun, which is also very useful. Due to its ease of capture and versatility, the Lifmunk is the best Pal for new players to collect in the early stages of the game.


Honorable Mentions



Palwrold Vanwyrm

Palwrold Vanwyrm

The Vanwyrm is an efficient combatant and one of the first good flying creatures you can obtain in the game. However, it is not feasible to acquire this creature early in the game, and it requires a certain level of progress to obtain. Nevertheless, if you are advanced enough in the game, it is highly recommended that you try to obtain it.



Palwrold Vixy

Palwrold Vixy

The Vixy is not only cute but also useful for your base, as it can dig up Pal Spheres at any time. Capturing the Vixy isn't particularly difficult either. However, it's important to note that the Vixy isn't widely available, and its only purpose is to help you obtain Pal Spheres.



Palwrold Direhowl

Palwrold Direhowl

The Direhowl is another honorable mention, but it's not as easy to obtain as the Eikthyrdeer and has limited usage at the base.



Palwrold Fuack

Palwrold Fuack

The Fuack is a slightly inferior version of the Pengullet. However, it is more difficult to locate and capture than the Pengullet.


As a new player in Palworld, these are the best Pals to get. We hope this guide helps you. And if you enjoyed SwanyPlaysGames's video, don't forget to like and subscribe to his channel.


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