
PoE 2 Builds: Top 3 Minions Builds

Par Nancy G
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Dear exiles, I will share Daniel's top 3 Minions PoE 2 Builds with you today. These three builds include Bomber Minions, Frost Minions, and Sniper Minions.


 Top 3 Minions Builds poe 2


1. Bomber Minions

Class: Witch

Ascendancy: Infernalist

Bomber Minions is a nickname I gave to the Skeleton Arsonist, and minions are still OP in PoE 2. Those here throw countless bombs, dealing tons of damage to everything around you.


Awesome Boss Damage

Godlike Survivability

Easy to Play


Clear Speed is not great


To clear low-tier maps: 3 sockets + cheap gear need about 80 Exalted orbs.

To clear mid-tier maps: 4 sockets + cheap gear need about 150 Exalteds.

To complete high-tier maps: 5 sockets + good gear need about 4 Divine orbs.

Mandatory Unique

You only need one mandatory unique item for this build, and it is pretty cheap. The Oaksworn Shield not only grants +50 to spirit but also a lot of chaos resistance and block chance.


Clear Speed 8/10

Single Target Damage 10/10

Survivability 10/10


2. Frost Minions

Class: Witch

Ascendancy: Infernalist

With so many improvements to minion builds in the last patches, it's time for us to have a mid-budget version capable of destroying all content without breaking a sweat.


Awesome Boss Damage

Godlike Survivability

Easy to Play

Simulacrum Farmer

Great Clear Speed




To play this build, you need at least 15 Divines.

Mandatory Unique

We need 3 mandatory unique items for this build. The first and most important is the Trenchtimbre Mace (about 10 Ex) that grants plus 3 to level of all minions.

Next, we also need the Morior Invictus (about 10 Divs) Body Armor with maximum life and spirit. This way, we can get a good amount of energy shield, elemental resistance, maximum life, and spirit on a single item.

Finally, we also need the Bones of Ullr (about 5 Ex) boots that produce the amount of spirit your minions reserve, granting a big undead army.


Clear Speed 9/10

Single Target Damage 10/10

Survivability 10/10


3. Sniper Minions

Class: Mercenary

Ascendancy: Gemling Legionnaire

If you thought that the 20,000 energy shield from the Bomber Minions of the 24 army from the Frost Minions was a lot, now I present you the final form of minion builds. With an army of 38 and over 25k energy shields, the Sniper Minions can complete any content with ease, even AFK T4 Simulacrons.


Boss Destroyer

Supreme Survivability

Easy to Play

AFK Simulacrum Farmer

Great Clear Speed


Very expensive


To play this build, you need at least 50 Divines.

Mandatory Unique

You need 5 mandatory unique items for this build. The first one is the Corrupted Trenchtimbre Mace (about 50 Ex) that grants +3 to level of all minions.

Next, we also need the Corrupted Ghostwrithe (about 1 Div) Body Armor that grants a percentage of our life as an extra energy shield. Here, we are going to abuse the strength-stacking potential of the Gemling Legionnaire to generate a huge pool of energy shields.

Next, we need the Corrupted Bones of Ullr (about 8 Div) Boots that reduce the amount of spirit your minions reserve, granting a big undead army.

We also need to look for 3 Grand Spectrum (about 450 Ex) Jewels that together grant 18% increased spirit.

Finally, we also need the Against the Darkness (about 14 Div) Unique Jewel with at least +10 spirit per notable node. This way, we can get almost +100 spirits.


Clear Speed 9/10

Single Target Damage 10/10

Survivability 10/10



Here is the ending of these top three minion builds for PoE 2. By the way, the 0.2.0 patch will launch on April 4. Please stay tuned on to get more news.

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