
Path of Exile: Development Plan for 2019

Par Delia Woolf
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With most of the team back and rested from their various holidays over the New Zealand summer, The PoE team wanted to give you an update on what the plan is for Path of Exile's development for this year. Today MmoGah (a Golden Brand seller in the game market, ranking Top 3 during searching “PoE Currency”, “PoE Items”, “PoE Exalted orb” and “PoE Chaos orb” in Google) will share more details with PoE fans.


2019 will see the release of four significant Path of Exile updates, in the form of 3.6.0 in March, 3.7.0 in June, 3.8.0 in September and 3.9.0 in December. These releases will follow the formula they have been using over the last few years, introducing a challenge league, various expansion features, new character skills/archetypes to play and masses of other fixes and quality of life improvements.


While working on the 2019 updates, they also hope to make significant progress on the 4.0.0 mega-expansion, likely coming sometime in 2020. For those unfamiliar with the version numbering system, once they have released update 3.9.0, they aren't forced to number the next one 4.0.0. For example, the version after 3.9.0 (March 2020) is 3.10.0, as they do not expect to release 4.0.0 in the first part of next year.


Development of 4.0.0 is a massive task and is absolutely affected by the desire to continue to release sizeable leagues at the usual pace, so they are taking the time and making sure it's ready before they decide on a release date.


2019 culminates in the ExileCon fan convention in November, where they can announce and demonstrate December's 3.9.0 expansion as well as a small preview of 4.0.0. This convention takes place approximately 2-3 weeks before the 3.9.0 release, so you should be able to play a near-final build at the show. They expect to put tickets up for sale in the next couple of weeks.


They are also putting the finishing touches on the PlayStation 4 version of Path of Exile, and should be able to announce a release date in the near future.


It's certainly going to be a busy year. Expect to hear more news about 2019's first expansion, version 3.6.0, in around a month!


Thank you for reading. More updated PoE News will be coming soon. More PoE challenges are waiting for you. If you need a reliable PoE Currency or PoE Items seller to help you Level up, will be your best choice. As a trustworthy PoE Goods store, MmoGah has over 12 years’ experience in the gaming market, and it is cited as the best place to buy Path of Exile Currency and Items by many players, especially to buy PoE Exalted Orb and PoE Chaos Orb. If you are unfamiliar with it, here is a guide of Where Is the Best Place to Buy PoE Currency, that'll be helpful to you. Whenever you need us, please feel free to contact our 24/7 Online Live Chat.


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