
PoE Builds 3.19: Top 5 Starter Builds For the Mayhem

Par Nancy G
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GGG announced the Mayhem event for November 4th. For you to be prepared, make sure to choose builds that can become powerful fast and with little currency investment. Here is a list with 5 awesome builds for end league events. I wish you all the luck!


Top 5 Starter Builds For the Mayhem pic


1. Arc Totems

Class: Templar

Ascendancy: Hierophant



To clear white maps: 4L + cheap gear (need about 35 Chaos Orbs)

To clear yellow maps: 5L + mid gear (need about 90 Chaos Orbs)

To complete the Atlas: 6L + good gear (need about 3 Divine Orbs)


Mandatory Uniques


Soul Mantle

It causes socketed gems to be supported by level 20 spell totem.



60% reduced effect of curses.


Polaric Devastation

20% increased damage for each curse on you.




Safe gameplay

Great boss damage

Great clear speed

Immunity to curses

Excellent starter

Awesome for beginners

Easy to build

Easy leveling



No evasion

Passive playstyle


General Strengths


Clear Speed

You place many totems that cast Arc, which is a spell that chains through a lot of enemies. This grants a great clear speed.


Boss Damage

With all those totems focusing their spells on a single boss, this build also has great boss damage.



Totem builds are also very safe because you can summon your totems and wait for them to kill everything before showing your face in front of danger. It also has a lot of armour, life, and chance to block attacks.



Difficulty: super easy

Beginner’s friendly: yes

Level 1 to 12 skill: Spark

Level 12 to 52 skill: Arc

Level 52+ skill: Arc Totems



2. Poisonous Concoction

Class: Ranger

Ascendancy: Pathfinder



To clear white maps: 4L + cheap gear (need about 65 Chaos Orbs)

To clear yellow maps: 5L + mid gear (need about 100 Chaos Orbs)

To complete the Atlas: 6L + good gear (need about 4 Divine Orbs)


Mandatory Uniques


The Devouring Diadem

It allows us to activate all auras.




Easy to play

Great clear with poison proliferation

Great boss damage

Very tank

High armour, evasion, and block chance

High chance to suppress spell damage

Excellent starter

Easy to build

Great for beginners



It needs Enlighten to activate the last aura.

Using Cluster jewels makes a big difference.


General Strengths


Clear Speed

You are fast and throw many flasks that poison enemies and cause nearby enemies to also get poisoned. It’s a great clear and very satisfying to watch.


Boss Damage

The projectiles can shotgun bosses for a lot of poison damage. It’s great!



This build also has many defensive layers, such as high armour, high evasion, and 100% chance to suppress spell damage. But it also counts with 50% chance to block attacks and spell. It’s very tanky.



Difficulty: easy

Beginner’s friendly: yes

Level 1 to 12 skill: Caustic Arrow

Level 12+ skill: Poisonous Concoction



3. Lightning Strike

Class: Ranger

Ascendancy: Raider



To clear white maps: 4L + cheap gear (need about 90 Chaos Orbs)

To clear yellow maps: 5L + mid gear (need about 120 Chaos Orbs)

To complete the Atlas: 6L + good gear (need about 4 Divine Orbs)


Mandatory Uniques


Yoke of Suffering

This amulet causes all of your damage to shock for a lot more damage.




Great boss damage

Awesome boss damage

Great league starter

Permanent fortify

High armour

High evasion

High chance to suppress spell damage



Vulnerable to chaos damage


General Strengths


Clear Speed

We are a raider with a lot of frenzy charges using a skill that fires many projectiles per use. I’d say it’s a great clear speed.


Boss Damage

This build can achieve huge level of single target damage, especially when combined with vaal lightning strike. It can kill guardians in less than 2 seconds.



High armour, high evasion, 100% chance to suppress spell damage, high block chance, and a skill that can be used from a safe distance. This build has great survivability.



Difficulty: easy

Beginner’s friendly: yes

Level 1 to 12 skill: Frost Blades

Level 12 to 78 skill: Spectral Helix

Level 78+ skill: Lightning Strike



4. Mortal Spark

Class: Templar

Ascendancy: Inquisitor



To clear white maps: 4L + cheap gear (need about 85 Chaos Orbs)

To clear yellow maps: 5L + mid gear (need about 120 Chaos Orbs)

To complete the Atlas: 6L + good gear (need about 4 Divine Orbs)


Mandatory Uniques


Call of the Brotherhood

It converts 40% of your lightning damage to cold damage.




Safe gameplay

Great boss damage

Great clear speed

Excellent starter

Awesome for beginners

Easy to build

Easy leveling

High armour

High block chance



No evasion

No spell suppression


General Strengths


Clear Speed

You cast nearly hundreds of sparks per second that have high speed, damage, and pierce enemies. You will kill enemies you won’t even have the chance to see.


Boss Damage

This build has true damage because it ignores enemies’ elemental resistances. It also deals a lot of extra damage because it pierces bosses, so it can hit them more than once.



You can kill enemies from a very safe range with this build. But even if they have the chance to reach you, you count with high armour, energy shield, life pool, regeneration, and block chance.



Difficulty: easy

Beginner’s friendly: yes

Level 1 to 12 skill: Spark

Level 12 to 69 skill: Arc

Level 69+ skill: Spark



5. Explosive Arrow

Class: Duelist

Ascendancy: Champion



To clear white maps: 4L + cheap gear (need about 45 Chaos Orbs)

To clear yellow maps: 5L + mid gear (need about 120 Chaos Orbs)

To complete the Atlas: 6L + good gear (need about 4 Divine Orbs)


Mandatory Uniques


Dyadian Dawn

It causes your ignites to deal damage a lot faster.


Rain of Splinters

It causes your ballista to fire additional projectiles.




Satisfying clear speed with the proliferation

Great boss damage

Safe gameplay

Very tanky

Permanent fortify

Excellent starter

Doesn’t need very specific gear



Not so easy leveling

Passive totem playstyle

Scale boss damage needs investment

Needs a lot of attack speed

Spend tree nodes to achieve 100% chance to ignite


General Strengths


Clear Speed

The explosion can proliferate strong ignites among a huge amount of enemies in seconds.


Boss Damage

When you achieve enough attack speed to place 20 fuses on bosses, the boss damage is amazing.



With permanent fortify and a huge amount of armour and evasion, this build has awesome survivability. The fact that you can place your totems and then stay safe while they kill enemies for you is also a huge deal.



Difficulty: not so easy

Beginner’s friendly: yes

Level 1 to 12 skill: Splitting Steel

Level 12 to 28 skill: Spectral Helix

Level 28+ skill: Explosive Arrow




All these contents are referred from Path of Exile Builds. Thanks for the useful starter builds for the upcoming Mayhem. You can subscribe to his channel if you like his sharing. And welcome to to make your character stronger in the Mayhem event.







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