
RuneScape 3 Guide: 1-99 Melee Guide

Par Michel Z
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This 1-99 Melee guide will be covering the weapons, the armour, useful items, and methods to get 99 Attack, Strength, and Defence in RuneScape 3. The guide also contains one of the most profitable monsters - Frost Dragons which can be killed for a good amount of RS Gold.

You can also follow YouTuber ProtoxxGaming to get 99 Melee from level 1, and some parts of this guide are quoted from his video:





Weapons to use:

· levels 1-10: Bronze Weaponry

· levels 10-40: Iron Weaponry

· Levels 40-50: Adamant 2H

· Levels 50-60: Rune Weaponry

· Levels 60-70: Dragon Weaponry

· Levels 70+: Barrows(the Dharoks/the Guthans)/Crystal/Abyssal Whip

· Levels 75+: Godsword/Zamorakian spear

· Levels 80+: Chaotics/Attuned Crystal Weaponry

· Levels 85+: Dragon Rider Lance

· Levels 90+: Noxious Scythe/Drygores


Armours to use:

· levels 1-40: Bronze

· Levels 40-50: Adamant

· Levels 50-60: Rune

· Levels 60-70: Dragon Armour

· Levels 70+: Barrows/Bandos

· Levels 80+: Torva/Anima Core

· Levels 85+: Tetsu Armour

· Levels 90+: Malevolent Armour


Useful items

· Charming imp

· Potions (Overloads, Extremes, Supers)

· Auras (anything like brawler aura, the Penance aura, Vampyrism aura, or any other damaging auras)


Fastest Route to 99

Below is the fastest Route to get 99 Attack, Strength, and Defence: 

Levels 1-40: Troll Brutes

It takes about 1 hour per skill and can be done on Troll Brutes which can be found in the northernmost cave in Burthorpe. Here are their stats:

· Level 2

· 50 Hitpoints

· 40 XP per kill (10 Constitution XP included)

· Weak to air spells


They regularly drop food which you can eat for sustenance. Although they are weak to air spells they only have 50 hitpoints so can be killed in one hit. This is an easy way to get level 40, and you can get up to 25K XP/H.




Level 40-60: Rock Crabs

It will take about three hours per skill, and you are going to kill Rock Crabs in north of the Fremmenik Lodestone, along the coast. Here are their stats:

· Level 102

· 2,550 Hitpoints

· 233 XP per kill (58 Constitution XP included)

· Weak to water spells


You have to watch out for the rocks which are actually crabs, and you need to stand near them. It’s best not to AFK here, and you just keep clicking them to get the maximum XP per hour which is up to 60K.

They have very profitable drops and also drop a fair number of gold charms which are useful for summoning. So you’d better get yourself some Adamant armour or Adamant weapons with your RuneScape Gold to get the most out of this method.

They have the best Hitpoints-to-XP ratio at this level and can be killed in under 15 seconds with the use of abilities.



Levels 60-70: Hellhounds

· Levels 60-70 will take around two hours per skill. Here are their stats:

· Level 132

· 3,300 Hitpoints

· 362 XP per kill (119 Constitution XP included)

· Weak to slash weapons


Hellhounds are found in the depths of the Taverley Dungeon and have a resource dungeon for better spots. You need a Dusty key to unlock a gate to the Taverley Dungeon. If you are 70 Agility, you can obtain this key by using the agility shortcut near the entrance to the dungeon. The shortcut goes to the blue dragon area.


They have no drops but are a very good source of gold charms, which are useful for summoning. They are hard clue scroll drop monsters, and they also drop a lot of spirit gems. They are aggressive for ten minutes and with the use of Soulsplit or Guthan's Armour Set, they are quite AFKable, despite their good XP rates. You could get 90-285K XP/H by using this method.


Levels 70-90: Frost Dragons

You are going to kill Frost Dragons in the Asgardian Ice Dungeon Resource Dungeon which requires a minimum level of 85 Dungeoneering to access. It takes around 15 hours per skill. Here are their stats:

· Level 160

· 8,500 Hitpoints

· 1,085 XP per kill (358 Constitution XP included)

· Weak to stab weapons


They are incredible for XP as well as profit. You could sell their bones for around 13,981 RS Gold each, meaning that it’s around 390,000 RS3 Gold per inventory. The downside is that you'll require super-antifire potions for the best XP per hour. If you don't have 85 Dungeoneering then you should continue training on Hellhounds.


Levels 90-99: Fight Cauldron Minigame or Waterfiends

Levels 90-99 will take a few days. The fastest way to get 99 is to complete the Fight Cauldron Minigame. This can only be accessed after completion of The Brink of Extinction, so it may not be available for everybody. Aside from Fight Cauldron, Waterfiends are probably the best XP at this level if using Drygore weapons. If not, continue to kill Frost Dragons.

Here are the Waterfiends' stats:

· Level 154

· 8,000 Hitpoints

· 934 XP per kill (308 Constitution XP included)

· Weak to bolts


Waterfiends are weak to Ranged attacks and very weak to bolts. They can be killed easily with Drygore weapons, and they have a high crimson charm drop rate, which fuels Summoning training.


Please keep checking back for more RS guides and news related to RuneScape Gold. We have a 1-99 Crafting quick guide for you to earn some RS3 Gold while training Crafting and a Slayer money making guide for players who want to earn more OSRS Gold without spending money.




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