
WoW Classic WotLK Guide - Heirlooms and How to Get them

Par Hasi
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Heirlooms are added to Wrath of the Lick King Classic to help players level up their alt accounts quickly. They are bound with account items, and you can share them with other characters on your account. The leveling system for Heirloom is very simple, and they automatically level up with your character. They provide experience points boosts as well as increase the stats of your character.


After you purchase heirlooms, they will bind to your account. There is a forty-five-minute grace period for heirloom items where you can return them and get a refund. Here is detailed information about heirloom items in WotLK Classic and how you can get them.


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How Do I Get Heirlooms?

Getting Heirloom is very simple, and below is a guide to help you get them in WotLK Classic.


1. Justice Points

To get justice points, you have to complete random dungeons from time to time. In some cases, high levels bosses also drop some justice points. New raid quests are available each week that you can complete. There is no restriction on the difficulty or the size of the raid, so you can take on the desired raid. To take the weekly raid quest, you have to go to an NPC called Archmage Lan-dalock. Here is the list of weekly raid quests in WOTLK Classic.


Anub'Rekhan Must Die!

Flame Leviathan Must Die!

Ignis, the Furnace Master, Must Die!

Instructor Razuvious Must Die!

Lord Jaraxxus Must Die!

Lord Marrowgar Must Die!

Malygos Must Die!

Noth the Plaguebringer Must Die!

Patchwerk Must Die!

Razorscale Must Die!

Sartharion Must Die!

XT-002 Deconstructor Must Die!


2. Champion's Seals

To get champion's seals, you have to take part in the argent tournament and win it. The argent tournament happens in Northern Ice crown, and it contains some quests. After dealing with the basics of the tournament, the real work begins when you choose a valiant from the available options. You need to become the champion of all the available races, and you can achieve it in twenty-five days. After finishing the quest, you will get more than ten champion seals every day.


3. Honor Points

Honor points are very easy to get, and you can get them in various ways. Take part in player-vs-player quests or finish any battle on the game map to get honor points.


How Do Heirloom Items Work in Wrath Classic?

Compared to armor and other equipment, Heirloom works differently in WOTLK Classic, and here you can find more details about how they work.


Heirlooms are tradeable

As you reach level eighty in the game, you can buy your first Heirloom from your main account. You can then send them to your alt account through the mail feature. There are no restrictions on servers and factions for as long as your alt account is on the same account. After the Heirloom is transferred, your alt account can use it until it reaches level eighty.


After the leveling process is finished, you can send the Heirloom to the desired alt for leveling. There is a restriction on the type of armor which means you can't equip plate armor heirloom with a paladin. To cut short on your expense, here's the best place to buy WotLK Classic gold and boost. There is no need to spend money on other heirloom items when you can use cloth for all casters as well as leather for all physical damage dealers.


Stats are according to level

You get the type of stats that are mentioned in the list of heirlooms only. The stats depend on the level of the Heirloom, and the level of the Heirloom depends on the level of the character that is wearing it. You should opt for heirlooms instead of any other items, especially when you are leveling your character. Consider changing it to level eighty because it becomes worthless for the current character.


Adjusts the type of armor before and after Level 40

If your current character is below level forty, keep in mind that current mail and plate armor will change into leather and mail armor. This makes the purchase of a new plate piece inevitable, especially if you want to work on a new warrior. The new warrior will have to learn the plate specialization before they can change it.


Player-vs-Environment Heirloom Items in WOTLK Classic


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You can purchase various heirloom items for player-vs-environment encounters, including shoulder pieces, chest pieces, trinkets, weapons, etc. In the start, you can purchase them with the emblem of heroism only, but you should purchase them with care. The emblem of heroism is very crucial as you can use it to purchase Bis pieces for raids. If you want to avoid raids for now and instead want to level up your alt, you should spend emblems on heirlooms.


During phase two of heirlooms, you can purchase them using the champion's seals. It is a new currency for winners of the argent tournament. It is very important because you purchase as many rare and epic items with it as you can. No matter how many champion seal's you have, you should spend on items that you need the most. You can save emblems in the first phase and spend all the champion's seals on heirlooms during the second phase for maximum benefit. To purchase all the player-vs-environment heirlooms given below, you have to go to Dalaran or the Ice crown in the Winter grasp. Your faction needs to control the fortress.


PvE Weapons

Balanced Heartseeker is a dagger for Rogues that costs forty Emblem of Heroism.

Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge is a sword for Warriors, Rogues, and Death Knights between level twenty and level fifty-nine, and it costs forty Emblem of Heroism.

Venerable Mass of McGowan is a Mace for Shamans, Rogues, Warriors, Druids, and death knights that costs forty Emblem of Heroism.

Devout Aurastone Hammer is a mace for Shamans, Paladins, Druids, and Priests that costs fifty Emblems of heroism.

Bloodied Arcanite Reaper is an axe for Warriors, Paladins, Rogues, and Death Knights that costs sixty-five Emblems of Heroism.

Repurposed Lava Dredger is a mace for Druids, Warriors, Shamans, Paladins, and Death Knights that costs sixty-five Emblem of Heroism.

Dignified Headmaster's Charge is a staff for Priests, Mages, Druids, and Warlocks that costs sixty-five Emblems of Heroism.

Charmed Ancient Bone Bow is a bow for Hunters, Rogues, and Warriors that costs sixty-five Emblems of Heroism.

Discerning Eye of the Beast is a trinket for all casters.

Swift Hand of Justice is a trinket for all the available classes.


PvE Armor


Tattered Dreadmist Mantle is a shoulder piece for Warlocks, Priest, and Mage

Tattered Dreadmist Robe is a chest piece for Mages, Druid, Warlock, and Priest


Preened Ironfeather Shoulders is a shoulder piece for Druid

Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders is a shoulder piece for Rogue and Druid 

Preened Ironfeather Breastplate is a chest piece for Druid

The stained Shadowcraft Tunic is a chest piece for Druid, Rouge, Shaman, Hunter, Paladin, and Warrior


Mystical Pauldrons of Elements is a shoulder piece for Shaman

Champion Herod's Shoulder is a shoulder piece for Shaman and Hunter

Mystical Vest of Elements is a chest for Shaman and Paladin

Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate is a chest for Shaman, Hunter, Warrior, Death Knight, and Paladin


Strengthened Stockade Pauldrons is a shoulder piece for Paladin, Warrior, and Death Knight

Polished Spaulders of Valor is a shoulder piece for Paladin, Death Knight, and Warrior

The polished Breastplate of Valor is a chest for Paladin, Death Knight, and Warrior


Player-vs-Player Heirloom Items


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There are some heirloom items for PvP encounters in WOTLK Classic, but you have to get them with Shards of the stone keeper. It is a special currency for player-vs-player gameplay that you can use in the Winter Grasp only. You may think that they are only useable in PvP, which isn't true at all. If you don't have any other option left, you can use PvE leveling as well. They are way better investments compared to PVE heirlooms, as you can make money with them at the same time.


How to Earn the Essence of Winter Grasp?

In Wrath of the Lick King Classic, you can get the essence of winter grasp buff when a member of your faction manages to win a round of winter grasp. It is very difficult to win as each round will go on for three hours. More than one faction can get the same buff at the same time because many battles are taking place on the same server.


How to Earn Shards of the Stone Keeper?

For buying heirlooms with Shards of the stone keeper, your faction needs to hold the Winter grasp. Afterward, you will get the essence of the winter grasp, which is a buff. This buff is provided to all the members of the faction, even if they haven't participated in the taking-over process. Go to this reliable site, and purchase some WotLK Classic gold in the game. With this buff, you can earn Shards of the stone keeper from two different methods.


The first method requires you to deal with dungeon bosses in both normal as well as heroic difficulty. When the buff is active, each dungeon boss will drop two to three shards.


The second method requires you to complete the weekly player-vs-player quest in Winter grasp. The rewards for each weekly quest include ten shards making this method the first choice of players.


PvP Weapons

Sharpened Scarlet Kris is a dagger for Rogue that costs two hundred Shards of the stone keeper.

Battleworn Thrash Blade is a sword for Rogue, Death Knight, and Warrior that costs two hundred.

Reforged Truesilver Champion is a sword for Paladin, Warrior, and Death Knight that costs three hundred and twenty-five Shards of the stone keeper.

The Blessed Hammer of Grace is a mace for Shaman, Paladin, Priest, and Druid that costs two hundred and fifty Shards of the stone keeper.

Grand Staff of Jordan is a staff for Mages, Priest, Warlock, and Druid that costs three hundred and twenty-five Shards of the stone keeper.

Upgraded Dwarven Hand Cannon is a gun for Hunter, Warrior, and Rogue that costs three hundred and twenty-five Shards of the stone keeper.

Inherited Insignia of the Alliance is a trinket for all classes.

Inherited Insignia of the Horde is a trinket for all classes.


PvP Armor


Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle is a shoulder piece for Mages, Warlock, and Priest.


Lasting Feralheart Spaulders is a shoulder piece for Druid.

Exceptional Stormshroud Shoulders is a shoulder piece for Druid and Rogue.


Aged Pauldrons of The Five Thunders is a shoulder piece for Shaman.

Prized Beastmaster's Mantle is a shoulder piece for Hunter and Shaman.


Pristine Lightforge Spaulders is a shoulder piece for Paladin.

Strengthened Stockade Pauldrons is a shoulder piece for Paladin, Warrior, and Death Knight.

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