
Ultimate Guide to Dire Maul and World Bosses in WoW Classic Fresh Phase 2

Par Shirley Huang
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Welcome to the ultimate guide for Dire Maul and World Bosses in Phase 2 of Classic Fresh! This guide will help you navigate the challenging Dire Maul dungeon and provide strategies to defeat the formidable world bosses, Azuregos and Kazzak. Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or new to the game, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tactics needed to conquer these epic encounters.

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Dire Maul Dungeon

This is a challenging and rewarding dungeon complex that offers a variety of encounters and valuable loot.



Dire Maul is situated in the lush forests of Feralas. To reach it, players can fly to Feathermoon Stronghold (Alliance) or Camp Mojache (Horde) and then travel east to the dungeon entrance. The complex is easily recognizable by its ancient, ruined structures.



To access Dire Maul, players need to be at least level 54. The dungeon is divided into three wings, each with its own entrance:

Dire Maul East: The entrance is located on the eastern side of the complex.

Dire Maul West: The entrance is on the western side, requiring players to navigate through a courtyard filled with ogres.

Dire Maul North: The northern entrance is guarded by Gordok ogres and requires a key or a rogue with high lockpicking skills to unlock.


Valuable Loot

Dire Maul's wings offer unique challenges, bosses, and rewards, making it a popular destination for players seeking new adventures and gear. To ensure you're well-prepared, don't forget to gather WoW 20th Anniversary gold for all your in-game needs.

Dire Maul East:

• Foror's Compendium of Dragon Slaying: Drops from any boss, is used to start the quest for Quel'Serrar.

• Felhide Cap: Dropped by Lethtendris.

• Satyr's Bow: Dropped by Alzzin the Wildshaper.


Dire Maul West:

• Rod of Corrosion: Dropped by Magister Kalendris.

• Fang of the Crystal Spider: Dropped by Illyanna Ravenoak.

• Mana Channeling Wand: Dropped by Immol'thar.


Dire Maul North:

• Gordok's Handguards: Dropped by Guard Mol'dar.

• Gordok's Gauntlets: Dropped by Guard Slip'kik.

• Gordok's Gloves: Dropped by King Gordok.

Additionally, completing tribute runs in Dire Maul North can yield extra loot from the Gordok Tribute Chest, including items like the of Deception and Shackle Key.

To maximize your loot, ensure you defeat all bosses in each wing and consider doing tribute runs for additional rewards. For those looking to level up quickly, consider using WoW Classic Fresh power leveling service to get your character ready for these challenges.


The introduction of world bosses Azuregos and Kazzak provides players with formidable enemies and unique rewards, requiring coordination and cooperation to defeat these world bosses.


World Boss - Azuregos

Location: Azuregos is located in Azshara, along the southern coast, at coordinates (48.8, 84.3).

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How to Defeat Azuregos

1. Preparation: Ensure your raid group is well-prepared with a mix of tanks, healers, and DPS. Azuregos has a large health pool and powerful abilities.

2. Abilities:

• Frost Breath: A frontal cone attack that deals significant frost damage. Tanks should face Azuregos away from the raid.

• Manastorm: Drains mana from players within a certain radius. Casters should stay at maximum range to avoid this.

• Teleport: Azuregos randomly teleports players to different locations. Be ready to regroup quickly.

• Mark of Frost: A debuff that freezes players in place. Healers should prioritize dispelling this.

3. Strategy:

• Position the raid spread out to minimize the impact of Frost Breath and Manastorm.

• Tanks should maintain aggro and keep Azuregos facing away from the group.

• Healers need to be vigilant in dispelling Mark of Frost and keeping the raid topped up.


World Boss - Kazzak

Location: Lord Kazzak is found in the Blasted Lands, near the Tainted Scar at coordinates (32.2, 49.9).

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How to Defeat Kazzak

1. Preparation: Assemble a strong raid group with a good balance of tanks, healers, and DPS. Kazzak's abilities can quickly overwhelm an unprepared group.

2. Abilities:

• Shadow Bolt Volley: Deals shadow damage to multiple players. Spread out to minimize damage.

• Twisted Reflection: Heals Kazzak for a large amount if not dispelled. Priests and paladins should prioritize dispelling this.

• Void Bolt: A single-target shadow damage spell. Tanks should be prepared to mitigate this.

• Cleave: A frontal cone attack. Tanks should position Kazzak away from the raid.

3. Strategy:

• Spread out to reduce the impact of Shadow Bolt Volley.

• Assign specific healers to dispel Twisted Reflections immediately.

• Tanks should keep Kazzak facing away from the raid to avoid Cleave.

• Focus on consistent DPS to bring Kazzak down quickly before he can heal too much from Twisted Reflection.


By mastering the Dire Maul dungeon and defeating the world bosses Azuregos and Kazzak, you'll earn valuable loot and achievements that will enhance your WoW Classic experience. Remember, teamwork and preparation are key to overcoming these challenges. Good luck, and may your adventures in Azeroth be legendary!

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