
Season of Discovery Phase 4 All Raids and Dungeons Guide

Par Shirley Huang
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In Phase 4 SoD, there are several raids and dungeons, each offering unique challenges and rewards. This guide will equip you with essential strategies, locations, and tips to conquer the most challenging encounters. Whether you're seeking epic loot, powerful gear, or simply aiming to accumulate a wealth of WoW SoD gold, this guide has you covered.

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Molten Core Raid

Molten Core is a 20-player raid boasting 11 challenging bosses and a new scaling difficulty system. This iconic WoW Classic raid provides powerful rewards, including epic weapons, enhanced Tier 1 gear sets, trinkets, and other valuable items.

• Location: Blackrock Mountain, between Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes.

• How to Reach: Enter Blackrock Mountain, head towards the center of the mountain, and find the entrance to Molten Core.


Boss Strategies

1. Lucifron: Dispel curses and mind controls quickly.

2. Magmadar: Use tranquilizing shots to manage his frenzy.

3. Gehennas: Spread out to avoid his Rain of Fire.

4. Garr: Manage the adds by banishing or killing them.

5. Baron Geddon: Spread out to avoid his Living Bomb.

6. Shazzrah: Interrupt his Arcane Explosion.

7. Sulfuron Harbinger: Focus on killing his adds first.

8. Golemagg the Incinerator: Keep his dogs away from him.

9. Majordomo Executus: Manage adds and avoid his AoE attacks.

10. Ragnaros: Avoid his knockback and manage adds during the fight.

11. The Molten Core is the new last boss encountered in Molten Core. This optional encounter becomes available only after the entire raid has been completed on Heat 3 difficulty.

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Onyxia's Lair Raid

Onyxia's Lair is designed for 20 players but can accommodate up to 40 players, featuring new and revamped loot.

• Location: Dustwallow Marsh.

• How to Reach:

1. Travel to Dustwallow Marsh.

2. Find the entrance to Onyxia's Lair in the Wyrmbog area.

To access Onyxia's Lair, each player must have the Drakefire Amulet in their inventory. Without this item, entry to the raid is not possible. Therefore, every player needs to complete the Attunement questline.


Boss Strategy

Onyxia's encounter consists of three phases: from 100% to 65% health, 65% to 40% health, and 40% to 0% health. Each phase introduces unique mechanics and several distinct abilities.

• Phase 1: Tank her facing away from the raid to avoid her breath attack.

• Phase 2: Spread out to avoid her fireballs and manage the whelps.

• Phase 3: Avoid her deep breaths and continue to manage whelps.


Dungeons in Phase 4

These dungeons present distinct challenges and valuable rewards, and for those looking to enhance their experience, buying fast WoW SoD boost services can help them conquer these dungeons more efficiently.

1. Upper Blackrock Spire (UBRS)

2. Lower Blackrock Spire (LBRS)

3. Blackrock Depths (BRD)

4. Dire Maul

5. Scholomance

6. Stratholme

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Locations and Boss Strategies

Upper Blackrock Spire (UBRS) & Lower Blackrock Spire (LBRS)

• Location: Blackrock Mountain, between Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes.

• How to Reach: Enter Blackrock Mountain and find the entrance to Blackrock Spire. LBRS is on the lower level, while UBRS is on the upper level.

• Upper Blackrock Spire (UBRS) - General Drakkisath: Focus on interrupting his spells and managing adds.

• Lower Blackrock Spire (LBRS) - Overlord Wyrmthalak: Avoid his knockback and focus on adds.


Blackrock Depths (BRD)

• Location: Blackrock Mountain.

• How to Reach: Enter Blackrock Mountain and find the entrance to Blackrock Depths near the center of the mountain.

• Emperor Dagran Thaurissan: Manage his adds and interrupt his spells.


Dire Maul

• Location: Feralas.

• How to Reach: Travel to Feralas and find the entrance to Dire Maul in the ruins of Eldre'Thalas.

• King Gordok: Avoid his charge and focus on adds.



• Location: Western Plaguelands.

• How to Reach: Travel to Caer Darrow in the Western Plaguelands and find the entrance to Scholomance in the ruins.

• Darkmaster Gandling: Interrupt his spells and manage adds.



• Location: Eastern Plaguelands.

• How to Reach: Travel to the Eastern Plaguelands and find the entrance to Stratholme in the city ruins.

• Baron Rivendare: Avoid his AoE attacks and focus on adds.


These tips should help you navigate and conquer the dungeons in SoD Phase 4. Good luck with your adventures!

Related Articles:

Phase 4 SoD Raids and Bosses Guide

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