
Choose A Right Trade Route to Easily Make ArcheAge Gold

Di John Ryan
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archeage trade route

As we mentioned, there are lots of methods for making ArcheAge gold in game. If players would like to choose the way of making gold through Trade Packs, then find an appropriate trade route will make your gold rush way easier in deed.


Trade Packs & Trade Route Choosing

Trade packs is a typical way for players to make ArcheAge gold in game. They let players obtain rare resources and Gilda Stars through transporting goods across each continents in game. So finding an efficient trade route in game becomes one of the most important key things for players’ money rush way. As we all know that sometimes payout of trade packs actually determines which zone or continent players will choose to travel to. According to Trade Packs recipes, every zone is basically granted about two recipes. In ArcheAge Trade Packs can be taken to any gold trader in condition of within the same continent that Trade Packs were crafted. For saving the final payout, choosing an appropriate trade route will allow ArcheAge players to travel through as many zones as possible with minimum time in game.


Then the second main point is that players need to focus on the cost of resources for crafting Trade Packs. Our suggestion is that the most profitable idea is to try to grow all your raw material for crafting Trade Packs by yourselves, therefore, it is better that players who decide to craft Trade Packs have their own land. It not only can upgrade players’ proficiencies along the whole process of growing and crafting Trade Packs, but also make more amount of ArcheAge gold, although it will increase a little cost of payouts of labor and time.


Suggested Trade Route

From experience from us, the most profitable route is from Arcum Iris to Lutesong Harbor in Villanelle. This trade route can let players to travel through the maximums of four zones within the shortest time. See the four zones below.

l  Arcum Iris: The Trade Packs crafting station is just next to the north end of zone of Arcum Iris, so as the starting zone it is easy and quick to be covered with.

l  Tigerspine Mountains: this zone is considered as the longest to cover out of the four zones.

l  Mahadevi & Lutesong Harbor: The third zone Mahadevi offers a short-cut by crossing a river and players only have to travel halfway through Villanelle to approach the gold trader at the north end of the fourth zone Lutesong Harbor.


Purchase ArcheAge gold directly from gold seller off game is also another efficient way. Mmogah as a professional ArcheAge gold selling service has run the business for over 10 years, is a reliable and secure gold seller. If you have any demand of ArcheAge gold for building your characters’ gears or equipment, or Archeage Power Leveling service, please visit our website anytime.


 archeage trade packs

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