
Posted 103Joined - WoW WotLK Classic Mining Guide 1-450Mining is a gathering profession in WoW that allows players to collect ores from mineral nodes scattered around the game world. In the Wrath of the Lich King Classic expansion, mining nodes can be found throughout Northrend, with the best concentration being in the Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord.
- The Ultimate Guide to Naxxramas Raid in WoW Classic WotLKNaxxramas, the dreaded necropolis of the Scourge, has been resurrected and now looms over Wintergarde Keep in Northrend. In this ultimate guide, we will provide you with tips on how to kill each boss, as well as maps and strategies for defeating Naxxramas.
- A Comprehensive Wrath Classic Raid Guide - Defeating Malygos in the Eye of EternityDefeating Malygos in the Eye of Eternity in WotLK Classic is no easy feat. He is a powerful blue dragon aspect with a variety of deadly abilities. In this comprehensive raid guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know to defeat Malygos and his minions! We'll discuss each phase of the fight and the different abilities that Malygos possesses.
- Fast Ways to Level Your Hunter from 1 - 80 in WoW WotLK ClassicIf you're looking for the fastest way to level your Hunter from 1 - 80 in WotLK Classic, look no further! In this guide, we will walk you through each step of the leveling process. By following our guide, you'll be able to power through levels at lightning speed! Let's get started!
- Guide to Dual Talent Specialization in WoW Classic WotLKFor those who don't know, Dual Spec is the ability to have two talent specs (glyph sets and action bars) on one character, starting with the Pre-Patch. To learn this skill, players must go to their class trainer at level 30 and pay 10g. The way it works is pretty simple. You have two sets of talents, one for your primary spec and one for your secondary spec.
- WoW WotLK Classic Guide: Strongest DPS TalentsWrath of the Lich King is one of the most popular expansions in the game's history. And with the addition of WotLK Classic, old and new players are delving into the frigid north once again. If you're planning on playing a damage dealer, you'll need to know which talents will give you the biggest DPS boost.
- WoW WotLK Classic Warlock GuideThe Warlock is known in World of Warcraft as a powerful damage-dealing class that focuses on spell casting. Known for its balance of defensive and offensive capabilities spread across different builds, such as Affliction, Demonology, and Destruction; the Warlock focuses on damage over time, debuffs, and its use of demonic minions, such as the Imp, Voidwalker, or Succubus.