
Diablo 4 Farm Guide: How to efficiently Get 10K Obducite in 10 Minutes

Di Ansley
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How to farm Obducite quickly? Today, we will show you the 10K Obducite in 10 minutes challenge. You can efficiently reach your target of 10k Obducite by consistently following these steps.


Diablo 4 Farm Guide How to efficiently Get 10K Obducite in 10 Minutes

We open the Tribute of Refinement and enter the Kurast Undercity dungeon. We recommend using the Teleport Evade Spiritborn build, which is the fastest build available.


1. Rush to the end

It would be best if you always rushed to the end. With this evade build, you usually get enough progress because it automatically kills everything in your path. It is better to rush to the end and click the last shrine on floor two to secure good progression.


2. Use Group Play When Possible

If you play at a party, the progress will explode. Group farming increases spawn rates and allows for quicker mob clears, letting you accumulate Obducite faster. Set up a rotation with other players to sweep key locations, maximizing the area covered without duplication. We team up with other players, and four players use the Evade build, so we blast through the dungeon quickly. Once we have made enough progress, we will rush to the end.


3. Increase Your Efficiency with Boosts

Ensure you have active boosts that increase Diablo 4 material drops, especially those related to Obducite. Elixirs that improve resource drop rates can give an extra edge, allowing you to reach the 10k goal faster.


4. Optimize Your Diablo 4 Build

Equip AoE skills to clear mobs quickly. For example:

Sorcerers: Use Blizzard or Chain Lightning.

Necromancers: Utilize Corpse Explosion or Bone Spirit if it’s your primary skill.

Stack gear and bonuses that boost critical damage, attack speed, or cooldown reduction to maximize damage output.


Build Notes(Shared for all Variants)

Do not use Sepazontec - the Staff provides no damage & is not needed to reach Perma Evade.

All you need for this ENDGAME setup is a Harlequin Crest Shako with Cooldown!

If you struggle with maintaining Perma Evade, use an additional Evade Temper on Amulet instead of Storm Feather Potency.


Prebuff yourself with:

Reddmine Buzz

Chorus of War

Storm of the Wilds

Healing Potion


An example of Teleport Evade Spiritborn build:

Equip Skills:

Thunderspike, Armored Hide, Scourge, The Hunter, Ravager, Counterattack.

Diablo 4 Items:

Harlequin Crest Helm, Shroud of False Death Chest Armor, Conceited Aspect Gloves, Menacing Aspect Pants with CemJah, Aspect of Apprehension Boots, Aspect of Redirected Force Polearm with BacTzic, Aspect of Interdiction Amulet, Aspect of Unyielding Hits Ring, Fell Soothsayer’s Aspect Ring.

Paragon Glyphs:

Talon, Jagged Plume, Spirit, Fulminate, Colossal.


5. Use the Teleport Jar Rune

We use the teleport jar to speed up the process. The goal is to complete each run in under 90 seconds. Each run rewards you with 2,000 Obducite. If you manage to do five runs in 10 minutes, you’ll get 10K Obducite, which is 60K Obducite per hour.


6. Focus on High-Yield Events

Prioritize events that spawn Obdurate elites, as they can drop large amounts of Obducite. If the area has Cursed Shrines or Chests, engage with these as they summon multiple waves of enemies, yielding substantial Obducite if farmed effectively.


7. Don’t Press T Button

After completing a run, don’t press T to leave the dungeon. Instead, exit normally to reduce the chance of errors.


8. Repeat the Runs

Each run takes about 90 seconds, plus an extra 30 seconds for preparation. Overall, this is the fastest way to farm Obducite.





•  In the Kurast Undercity, you get a lot of cooldown resets, so even if your gear isn’t great, you can still perform well.


•  When fighting the boss, use a trick to skip the animation and quickly defeat the boss.


•  If a party member disconnects, re-enter the Town Portals to reactivate it. Return and repeat the process for uninterrupted farming.





Using this method, you can get 10K Obducite in 10 minutes. Playing with friends makes it more fun. We hope you enjoy it.

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