
How to Farm Igneous Core in Diablo 4 Season 3

Di Ansley
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Igneous Core is a new type of Diablo 4 seasonal material that is required to enter the Vault of the Loom, the endgame dungeon of Diablo 4 Season 3. The Vault of the Loom is where the players can challenge the Echo of Malphas. This level 100 boss can drop the Evernight and Genesis, two unique tuning stones that can be used to customize the Seneschal Companion. This new seasonal companion can fight and support in combat. Igneous Core is a rare and valuable material that can be hard to obtain, but there are some ways to farm it efficiently and effectively. Here are some tips and tricks to farm Igneous Core in Diablo 4 Season 3.


Defeat Heralds of Malphas in Arcane Tremors at World Tier 4

The main way to farm Igneous Core is to defeat Heralds of Malphas, a new type of enemy that can be summoned and fought in Arcane Tremors, the new seasonal activity of Season 3. Arcane Tremors are events that occur in certain areas across the map for a limited amount of time. These events are similar to the Blood Harvest from Season 2, and instead of Vampires, the players will need to take on Constructs, the creations of the Construct.


To summon a Herald of Malphas, the players will need to collect Elemental Cores and Shattered Stone from the Obelisks around the area and deposit them at a brazier. The amount of Elemental Cores and Shattered Stone required will depend on the event's difficulty and rewards. The higher the difficulty and the rewards, the more Elemental Cores and Shattered Stone are needed. Once the players have collected the required amount of Elemental Cores and Shattered Stone, they can deposit them at a brazier to summon a Herald of Malphas.


A Herald of Malphas is a powerful and unique construct with a lot of health and damage, requiring a group of players to defeat it. The Herald of Malphas will have different abilities and effects depending on the type of Elemental Cores used to summon it. For example, a Herald of Malphas summoned with Fire Cores will have fire-based attacks and a fire aura that can burn the players. The players will need to avoid the Herald of Malphas's attacks and use their skills and items to bring it down.


Once the Herald of Malphas is defeated, it will drop a lot of loot, including gold, gems, shards, and gauntlet tokens. It will also have a rare chance to drop an Igneous Core, which can be used to enter the Vault of the Loom. The players can repeat this process as many times as they want as long as the Arcane Tremors event is active. The players can also increase their chances of getting an Igneous Core by using the Aspect of the Storm, a legendary aspect that increases the drop rate of Igneous Core by 10%.


How to Farm Igneous Core in Diablo 4 Season 3 Obelisk

Defeat the Son of Malphas Mini-Boss at World Tier 4

Another way to farm Igneous Core is to defeat the Son of Malphas, a new mini-boss that can be encountered in Nightmare Vaults and Arcane Tremors at World Tier 4. The Son of Malphas is a special mini-boss similar to the Butcher, and it will have a very high HP pool and powerful attacks that can one-shot unprepared characters. The Son of Malphas is a random encounter, which means that the players cannot target farm it, but they can increase their chances of finding it by doing more Nightmare Vaults and Arcane Tremors.


To defeat the Son of Malphas, the players will need to have a high level of skill, good gear, and a group of players to help them. The Son of Malphas will have different phases and patterns, and the players will need to learn and adapt to them. The Son of Malphas will also have different abilities and effects depending on the type of Elemental Cores used to summon it. For example, a Son of Malphas summoned with Lightning Cores will have lightning-based attacks and a lightning aura that can stun the players. The players will need to dodge the Son of Malphas's attacks and use their skills and items to bring it down.


Once the Son of Malphas is defeated, it will drop a lot of loot, including Diablo 4 gold, gems, shards, and gauntlet tokens. It will also drop a few Igneous Cores, which can be used to enter the Vault of the Loom. The players can repeat this process as often as possible if they can find the Son of Malphas.

How to Farm Igneous Core in Diablo 4 Season 3 vwaypoints



The main way to farm Igneous Core is to defeat Heralds of Malphas in Arcane Tremors at World Tier 4. Another way to farm Igneous Core is to defeat the Son of Malphas in Nightmare Vaults and Arcane Tremors at World Tier 4. These methods can help the players get enough Igneous Cores to enter the Vault of the Loom and challenge the Echo of Malphas.

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