
Elden Ring Multiplayer Guide

Di Shirley Huang
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In Elden Ring, you can choose to play by yourself, or you can undertake the difficult challenges with your friends in Multiplayer Co-op mode. It is a welcoming idea that you can invite a friend to your world and help you defeat some strong bosses.


If you're new to FromSoftware's games, figuring out how to play Multiplayer can be a bit confusing. How do I invite a friend to my world? How to trade runes and items in the game? Which Elden Ring items do I need? What is a summoning pool? Luckily, Multiplayer is easier and friendlier than it's been in past Souls games. Here would like to share the Multiplayer details so that you can know how to dive into the wider co-op community with strangers.


Multiplayer Mode 

If you're playing Elden Ring online, you're ready to jump into Multiplayer at any time, either by summoning players into your game or being summoned into another's.


Here is How Multiplayer Mode Works:

1. From the Multiplayer menu, you can set a Multiplayer Password, which will only show the summon signs from other players using that same password.

2. You can place a summon sign by Duelist's Furled Finger (recommended) or Tarnished's Furled Finger. Using Duelist's Furled Finger to summon can prevent other players from invading.

3. If you want to reveal the summon signs left by other players in the Lands Between, you should use the Furlcalling Finger Remedy. Once used, you'll be able to see any summon signs left by other players.

4. When you want to return to your own game, you should use the Finger Severer. Either you've been summoned or remove another player you've summoned from your online session.


Here is How to Trade Runes and Items in the Game:

1. Go to the Church of Elleh.

2. Input the Multiplayer Password that we gave you. The password will be shown on your Payment Complete Page and in the email that we send to you before delivery.

3. Place a summon sign by Duelist's Furled Finger (recommended) or Tarnished's Furled Finger. Using Duelist's Furled Finger to summon can prevent other players from invading.

4. Pick up Elden Ring Runes or items we dropped in our world after an invitation.



Let's introduce some basic Multiplayer items in Elden Ring. They're all helpfully housed in a single menu.


Tarnished's Furled Finger

A finger of corpse wax furled like a hook.


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What Is Tarnished's Furled Finger Used for?

It can be used to create a gold summon sign for Multiplayer players. This sign will appear in other players’ worlds and allow them to summon you.


How to Get Tarnished's Furled Finger?

It is located at the starting area, near the Stranded Graveyard Site of Grace. You can loot it from a corpse just past the Stranded Graveyard Site of Grace. 


Furlcalling Finger Remedy

It is a type of tool found in the game.


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What Is Furlcalling Finger Remedy Used For?

It allows players to refresh an area to see the summon signs around them while playing online. 


How to Get Furlcalling Finger Remedy?

Players can buy it from a merchant with 1000 Elden Ring Runes. You can also choose to craft it by yourself. When you reach the Church of Elleh, you can purchase a Crafting Kit from Merchant Kalé, then use two Erdleaf Flowers to make a Furlcalling Finger Remedy. The Erdleaf Flowers are all over the Lands Between, and you can spot them hiding in plants based on the distinctly glowing flowers. Once you have crafted and used one, you'll be able to see a summon sign.


Of course, there are other ways to get the Furlcalling Finger Remedy. You can find them on a handful of select corpses and get them by defeating people you've invaded, as well as a couple of NPC invaders. However, crafting is the easiest and most reliable way.


Finger Severer

This is also an important tool in Elden Ring.


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What Is Finger Severer Used For?

It is used to return to your own world or remove a summoned player from your session.


Where to find Finger Severer

At the beginning of the starting area, go past the big wooden door and the Site of Grace, and you will find 1 Finger Severer alongside a Tarnished's Furled Finger.


Elden Ring Multiplayer

Small Golden Effigy

Send a co-op sign to multiple summoning pools so that players can easily summon you. This is a bit like entering a dungeon queue in an MMO or flagging yourself as LFG.


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It requires that the Effigy of the Martyr in an area has been activated in order to be used and subsequently be added to the area summoning pool. It can be found at Limgrave, west of The First Step site of grace. 


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Duelist's Furled Finger

It is the same as the Tarnished's Furled Finger, except for PvP. Places a red sign that allows you to duel another player if summoned.


Lastly, please pay attention to MmoGah for more Elden Ring tips. Of course, We also offer Fast and cheap Elden Ring Runes and items. We have more than 15 years of experience in the gaming industry and have gotten a high reputation. Choose us, and we won't let you down.  




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