
Best Places for Fishing Perfect Roe or Rare Items in ESO

Di Michel Z
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Some players in The Elder Scrolls Online enjoy fishing as a peaceful and entertaining activity, while others find it tedious or uninteresting. Nonetheless, fishing is a valuable means of acquiring crafting materials and even rare items, so it may be worth exploring. In his guide, Jakeclips shares his top fishing spots that yield Perfect Roe, as well as a plethora of other valuable items within the game.



Artaeum Fishing locations

Artaeum fishing locations

If you want to make some gold or get rewards fast by fishing, Artaeum is a great place to go. In this zone, there are only two areas that have fish. By fishing in these areas, you have the chance to get Psijic Satchels, which give you two of the best recipes in the game: Waterlogged Psijic Recipe and Water-Stained Psijic Recipe.


Once you obtain a Waterlogged Psijic Satchel, you have complete freedom to do whatever you want with it. However, it's important to note that if you open the satchel and receive any recipes, you will not be able to trade the recipes with anyone else. Therefore, if your goal is to earn some gold from the satchel, the best option is to sell the entire satchel itself.



It's a little harder to get Perfect Roe in this area, but Summerset features Pyandonean Bottles that may contain the Pyandonean motifs. The best location for fishing is the cove, which has a C shape, as shown in the picture below.

Summerset Fishing locations

Summerset fishing locations



The Foul Abyssal Fishing Holes in Apocrypha have some of the most valuable items, and the area marked in the picture is the zone's best fishing spot. 

Apocrypha Fishing locations

Apocrypha fishing locations


It is important to note that fishing rewards in this area are not very significant. However, you can still get item bags while fishing, and these bags have a chance to contain valuable crafting plans like the Apocrypha Specimen Jar, Large Empty, which is worth a lot of gold in ESO. Additionally, you should be cautious while fishing in this area as it is filled with dangerous enemies that can attack you at any time.



If you want to catch Perfect Roe, head to Wrothgar. Specifically, try fishing in the Foul Fishing Holes located in Nikolvara's Kennel Delve. 

Wrothgar Fishing locations

Wrothgar fishing locations


Ebonheart (Stonefalls)

Ebonheart Fishing locations

Ebonheart fishing locations

You will want to visit the fishing area highlighted in the picture. This location is known to have an abundant amount of Perfect Roe, making it one of the best spots to fish (unless there's any competition). What is more, the area is also populated with several NPCs, which presents an opportunity for pickpocketing. This spot is perfect for leveling up your Ledgerman skill or Thieves Guild while fishing.


When engaging in theft, it is advisable to first pickpocket an NPC twice and then utilize the Blade of Woe to execute them and get the third drop. This method allows for the maximization of stolen items acquisition.


Those are the five fishing locations for Roe, rewards, and rare items in The Elder Scrolls Online. If you found this guide helpful, don't forget to give a thumbs up and subscribe to Jakeclips's channel.




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