
Elder Scrolls Online Plus Bonus Event Is Coming on July 5-9

Di Delia Woolf
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Know what makes adventuring in Tamriel of Elder Scrolls Online even more awesome? Free stuff! From July 5-9, ESO Plus members can log in to receive up to five free Dwarven Crown Crates. Not an ESO Plus member? You can enjoy a free trial of the service for the duration of the event, no strings attached. This includes access to the DLC game packs, the Craft Bag, and bonuses to XP and Gold gains. Check out the details below!



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You can score some marvelous rewards such as mounts, pets costumes, consumables, and other in-game items if you're a current ESO Plus member. That's right – for every day you log in from July 5-9, you'll receive a free Dwarven Crown Crate.


To participate, simply log into the game with an active ESO Plus membership between 12:00am EDT and 11:59pm EDT (Eastern) each day of the event! Once the event is over, you'll receive one crate for each day you had logged in.


Here's everything you need to know to get your crates:


   •The ESO Plus event begins on July 5 at 10am EDT and ends on July 9 at 11:59pm EDT.

   •If you have an active ESO Plus membership, you can earn one free Crown Crate for each day you log in during the event period, up to a maximum of five crates.

   •You must log in between 12:00am EDT and 11:59pm EDT (Eastern) on each day of the event.

   •Crown Crates earned during the event will be delivered to your account on July 17.

   •If you are not an ESO Plus member, you can enjoy a free trial of the service for the duration of the event to see what it is all about. For more details, see below. If you decide to purchase a full ESO Plus membership, you still earn free Crown Crates for each day you are logged in as a member!








Between July 5-9, a free trial of ESO Plus will be available from the Crown Store! Here is how you can enjoy select ESO Plus benefits for the duration of the event:


   • 1.Log into The Elder Scrolls Online.

   • 2.Navigate to the Crown Store.

   • 3.View the “Featured" category.

   • 4.Find and select the ESO Plus Free Trial.

   • 5.You will then enjoy select ESO Plus benefits for the duration of the event.



The ESO Plus trial will grant you the following benefits:


   •Full access to all DLC game packs - new zones, quests, dungeons and more!

       Including Imperial City, Orsinium, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, and Shadows of the Hist DLC game packs.

   •Unlimited storage for crafting materials

   •Double Bank space for your account

   •10% increase to Experience& Gold acquisition, Crafting Inspiration, and Trait Researchrates

   •Double Furnishings and Collectibles space in player housing

   •Exclusive ability to dye costumes


Please note: the ESO Plus free trial does not grant the bonus Dwarven Crown Crates, which are only available as daily login rewards for full ESO Plus members.


We hope that everybody enjoys the benefits of ESO Plus during the week. Just like in other MMOs, if you don’t have enough time to improve your level, you can use Safe ESO Gold to purchase not only gear and weapons, but also awesome ESO Items in the game. MmoGah is one of the best ESO Gold suppliers nowadays. If you are a newbie, read this guide to how to buy cheap ESO Gold without being scammed first, then you will find why MmoGah is the best choice! You can also buy ESO Items right here in MmoGah. It is a so reliable ESO Gold and Items store that more and more players chose to buy Elder Scrolls Online Gold or Elder Scrolls Online Items from. Whenever you need to buy Cheap and Safe ESO Gold or ESO Items, our Live Chat is 24/7 online.


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