
ESO Events 2024: The Fallen Leaves of West Weald Event Guide

Di Michel Z
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The Fallen Leaves of West Weald is a new event in The Elder Scrolls Online for 2024, exclusive to players who own the Gold Road Chapter. Throughout the event, players can earn rewards by taking part in various activities. Zurga has created a video guide detailing how to participate in the event and the rewards that can be earned. 



Fallen Leaves of West Weald Event Starting Date

The exact starting date of the event is unknown. But it will take place in September, and MmoGah will update this article as soon as the date is announced.


Daily Event Quest

Meet Gandinar at the festival tent in West Weald

Meet Gandinar at the festival tent in West Weald


To begin the event's daily quest, travel to Skingrad in the West Weald and meet with Gandrinar at the Impresario's tentGame Icon. He will ask you to get five Ayleid Remnants.


The Ayleid Remnants can drop from any source. When you have at least five Ayleid Remnants in your inventory, you can combine them to create an Ayleid Remnant Bundle. Return the bundle to Gandinar for valuable rewards, including gold coins for your journey in ESO.


Ayleid Remnants and Fallen Leaves Coffers

Ayleid Remnants and Fallen Leaves Coffers (purple quality) often drop together, and they can drop from any source, such as chests, enemies, safeboxes, and harvest nodes in West Weald.


If you already have collected five remnants, they will continue to drop, and you can accumulate them for future daily event quests.


Sublime Fallen Leaves Coffers and Event Tickets

 Tree-Sap Legion outfit style

The first West Weald daily quest or Lucent Citadel Trial weekly quest you complete per account per day awards you two Event Tickets and a Sublime Fallen Leaves Coffer (gold quality).


The Sublime Fallen Leaves Coffer (gold quality) contains:


•     Tree-Sap Legion outfit style pages (once per day, per account)

*If you've earned one of them, you will instead have a chance to get a Lucent Sentinel, West Weald Legion, or a Shardborn motif.

•     Motif pages and their Style Materials

•     Furnishing and Furnishing Recipes

•     Companion Gear

•     Crafting Materials

•     Treasures


The Fallen Leaves Coffer (purple quality) contains the same loot as the gold-quality ones, but it has a lower chance of dropping the rarest rewards.


Additional Bonuses

Additional bonuses will also be available, such as:


•     Gold Road daily quests have their normal reward boxes doubled.

•     Harvest nodes in the West Weald have an improved yield.

•     West Weald world and delve bosses, along with any boss in the Lucent Citadel trial, drop additional loot.


The Impresario

the Anchorborn Welwa Mount

The Impresario's store also sells the Tree-Sap Legion armor style pages  (five tickets each), but hers are bound versions. Here is a complete list of the goods she will offer during the Fallen Leaves of West Weald 2024:


•     All three fragments for the Molag Bal Illusion Imp Pet

•     All three fragments for the Anchorborn Welwa Mount

•     Impresario's Group Repair Kit

•     Tree-Sap Legion Armor Style Pages (bound version)

•     Companion Fighter's Guild Commendation

•     Companion Mages Guild Commendation

•     Companion Undaunted Commendation


Indrik Vendor

You can find Indrik Vendor in Craglorn near Belkarth. She'll sell Indrik pets and the fragments needed for summoning Indrik mounts:


•     All the feathers for the Nascent Indrik mount

•     All the berries for the Mossheart Indrik mount

•     All the berries for the Onyx Indrik mount

•     Ebon-Glow Indrik pet

•     Sapling Indrik pet


Event Merchant's Assistant

There is also an event merchant's assistant who sells fragments from previous events:


•     Aurielic Quasigriff mount Fragments

•     Aurora Firepot Spider pet instructions

•     Soulfire Dragon Illusion pet fragments

•     Deadlands Firewalker personality fragments

•     Hide Shoulders


That is how you can take part and what you can earn during the new ESO event: Fallen Leaves of West Weald. Don't forget to subscribe to Zurga's channel and share this video with your friends if you enjoyed it.


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