
ESO Events 2024: The Undaunted Celebration Guide

Di Michel Z
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The Undaunted Celebration event in The Elder Scrolls Online (TESO) is a special event where players can earn extra rewards by completing dungeons. Zurga's guide will cover the event quest, how to get tickets and boxes, and what opal masks and shoulders you can get this year.



The Undaunted Celebration Event Starting Date in 2024

In 2024, the event will take place from September 12 to September 24. 


The Undaunted Celebration Event Quest

The event quest, Glory of the Undaunted, can be obtained for free from the Crown Store. After taking it, go to one of the Undaunted Enclaves and earn some gold coins by completing the quest.


Reward Boxes and Event Tickets

The first final dungeon boss you defeat each day will drop two Event Tickets and a special Glorious Undaunted Box (gold quality). Completing additional dungeons will award you purple-quality Undaunted Boxes. These boxes contain Opal Weapon Style pages, Tradeable treasures, equipment Items, Motifs, Repair Kits, event furniture, and Undaunted Keys.


Building a powerful character is crucial for defeating the bosses. So, make sure you equip a powerful gear set that allows you to overcome the formidable enemies in ESO.


New Opal Shoulder Style Pages

Earthgore Mask and Shoulder

Defeating the veteran hard mode of a dungeon where the boss appear has a chance to drop the according opal shoulder style page:


•     Opal Earthgore Shoulder (New) – Bloodroot Forge Dungeon

•     Opal Ilambris Shoulder – Crypt of Hearts I Dungeon

•     Opal Troll King Shoulder – Blessed Crucible Dungeon

•     Opal Bloodspawn Shoulder – Spindleclutch II Dungeon

•     Opal Engine Guardian Shoulder – Darkshade Caverns II Dungeon

•     Opal Chokethorn Shoulder – Elden Hollow I Dungeon



Opal Earthgore Bow

Anchorborn Welwa Mount

The Impresario will open her store during the Undaunted Celebration, offering the following unique items:


•     All three fragments for the Molag Bal Illusion Imp Pet

•     Two of the fragments for the Anchorborn Welwa Mount

•     Impresario's Group Repair Kit

•     Bound Style Page: Opal Earthgore Bow

•     Bound Style Page: Opal Earthgore Mace

•     Bound Style Page: Opal Earthgore Mask

•     Bound Style Page: Opal Earthgore Maul

•     Bound Style Page: Opal Earthgore Shield

•     Bound Style Page: Opal Earthgore Shoulders

•     Bound Style Page: Opal Earthgore Staff

•     Companion Fighter's Guild Commendation

•     Companion Mages Guild Commendation

•     Companion Undaunted Commendation


The Impresario's assistant, Philius Dormier, will sell fragments from previous events, including the Aurielic Quasigriff mount and Soulfire Dragon Illusion pet fragments, as well as the Hide Shoulders.


Indrik Vendor

During the event, you can find Indrik Vendor in Craglorn near Belkarth. She'll sell Indrik mounts and Indrik pet fragments, including feathers for summoning the Nascent Indrik, berries for summoning the Mossheart Indrik Mount and Onyx Indrik Mount, Ebon Glow Indrik pet, and Sapling Indrik pet.      


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