
Top 5 Achievement Rewards to Get in ESO

Di Michel Z
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Achievements are in-game awards given to players for accomplishing various milestones in The Elder Scrolls Online. To view your Achievements, you can press the J key to enter your Quest Journal and click the star icon to open the Achievements panel.

ESO Achievements

ESO Achievements


There are a lot of Achievement rewards you can get in TESO. But which are the best ones? Jakeclips lists five amazing Achievement rewards worth having in The Elder Scrolls Online.



Newly Charitable Achievement


Crystalfrost skin

Crystalfrost skin

You will get the beautiful Crystalfrost skin by unlocking the Newly Charitable Achievement, which is rewarded for completing 12 New Life Charity Writs, Deep Winter Charity Writs, or Imperial Charity Writs.


The Crystalfrost Skin is obtainable during the New Life Festival. But if you miss the event, don't worry. You can also buy those Writs at the Guild Trader in TESO with gold coins. As long as you can get 12 any of those types of charity writs, you're able to get the skin at any point in the year. 


Sunspire Dragonbreak Achievement


Sunspire Champion Senche-Lion mount

Sunspire Champion Senche-Lion mount


Sunspire Dragonbreak Achievement gives you a cool mount called Sunspire Champion Senche-Lion. This achievement is one of the most difficult achievements in the game because it requires you to do a Trifecta run, which is a hard mode, speed, and no-death run in a dungeon or trial. 


Depths of Malatar Conqueror Achievement


 Meridian Purified skin

Meridian Purified skin

You will have glowing eyes once you unlock the Depths of Malatar Conqueror achievement and activate the Meridian Purified skin. You unlock the Depths of Malatar Conqueror Achievement after completing Depths of Malatar at the Veteran level. 


Litany of Blood Achievement


Cadaverous Assassin polymorph

Cadaverous Assassin polymorph

Litany of Blood achievement rewards you with Cadaverous Assassin polymorph. When activated, the polymorph will turn you into a skeleton. To get this polymorph, you will want to join the Dark Brotherhood and kill the Litany of Blood target in each of the 15 Alliance zones using the Blade of Woe.


Wicked Writ Witch Achievement


Witch's Infernal Hat

Witch's Infernal Hat

Wicked Writ Witch is another holiday-themed achievement, but it can also be completed any time of the year. The achievement is a twofer: It gives a Witch title and Witch's Infernal Hat.


To unlock this achievement, you'll need to complete 28 Witches Festival Writs, but if you're just interested in the hat, you only have to complete 13. Again, this can be done any time of year because these Writs are listed at pretty low prices at the Guild Trader. So that is a great way to collect those writs and unlock the achievement even though it's not the Witches Festival.


Those are the top 5 achievement rewards that are worth obtaining in ESO. If you like Jakeclips's content, please subscribe to his channel. 


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