
FFXI Mythic Weapon Guide – How to Make One

Di Penny
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What Are Mythic Weapons

Mythic Weapons, or "The Myriad Arms of Bahrain," are twenty weapons (one for every job except Geomancer and Rune Fencer) obtained through the "Arms of Balrahn" series of quests. There is a weapon skill associated with each weapon.


If you want to know how to make one, then you are in the right place. Cloudchief’s video will walk us through the process of making a Mythic Weapon. Now let’s go.


How to Make a Mythic Weapon

Before you can even start working on a mythic weapon, you first need to progress through all of the treasure missions and obtain Captain by completing all 50 of the Assaults.


Then go to the Nyzul Isle to get the base weapon, which you can get from any NM and all of the bosses on floor 20 40 60 80, and 100.


Once you have the weapon, your Captain rank and clear all 100 floors of Nyzul Isle to obtain a runic disc, trade the weapon to Naja's assistant.


Next, there are a bunch of enemies you need to kill. However, if you have previously killed them, you don’t have to kill them again. In this part, what you need to do is kill all four Chariot bosses in the original salvage and the three Beastmen in the treasure zones and complete the Odin chamber.




Then you need to talk to Naja, and you will get a cutscene. After the cutscene, head to Nashmau, and there will be a mouse NPC. Talk to him, and he will tell you what to do next.


The next step in the process is that you're going to need a hundred thousand Acre. You can get it by clearing the chambers from Einherjar. It's best that you do the last three chambers that give the most points. If you do the three highest tier chambers, you can get close to 2,000 points, so it'll be a couple more runs than fifty to get all the points you need for starting from zero.


Next, you will need a hundred and fifty thousand points from completing Nyzul Isle. You will get these by completing floors. The more floors and the higher floors you complete, the more points you can get. It is best to have a mule that takes you up to 496, and then try to go as high as you can until the time runs out. 26 to 27 minutes run can get you between 6 to 10,000 Nyzul points.


Then here comes the biggest step in this process - collecting the 30,000 Alexandria you need to complete the mythic. The best place to farm it is the Arrapago Remnants II, and you can average about 100 Alexandria a day. But you can only do it once a day. Bhaflau Remnants doesn't have a lockout and is apparently the next best place to farm Alexandria. You can also get 1750 Alexandria from Ambuscade each month, so it is another good way of collecting. People also Bazaar Ambuscade between 6000 to 9000 depending on the server, so buying Ambuscade will help speed up the process.


Once you finish and turn all of those items into the mouse NPC, move on to the next quest in the process. Go to white gate and click on the actual white gate that's to the palace for a cutscene. After that, go out near the entrance to Einherjar, and there will be a tombstone. Then you need to trade the tier 4 Zeni NM trophies to the tombstone.




The last step in making a mythic is to do a BCNM called forging a new mythic that is in Nyzul Isle. Before you enter the BCNM, you want to have your unfinished mythic equipped.


When you go in, there will be a boss. Get this boss down to about 50%. Once the first boss is out of the way, a second boss will spawn. First, he will weapon skill you with the weapon skill of your mythic. After that, you will have access to the weapons skill if you haven't unlocked it. Then you need to weapon skill him somewhere between 1000 and 2000, so you can get level 1 aftermath. Then weapon skill him somewhere between 2000 and under 3000 TP to get level 2 aftermath. Then weapon skill him at 3000 TP and get the level 3 aftermath. After you've gotten all three levels of aftermath, you can go ahead and kill him. The boss can’t die until you've done all of these, and he does have regen. You'll get ten TP per tick during this fight.


After that, head back to the tombstone so you can enter the BCNM, then head back to white gate and check the white gate for a cutscene. Finally, you need to talk to Naja, and congratulations! You have now finished your level 75 mythic.


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