
FFXI Sortie Guide

Di zaryab
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Sortie Update in FFXI


Sortie is a new major update or event introduced in the FFXI in August 2022. It has several new sectors, great rewards, and battle content for the players looking for something new in FFXI. In Sortie, you play in an exploration world known as Outer Ra'Kaznar. Sortie allows you to upgrade your Imperian Armor and is excellent for players who are looking for Gallimaufry (currency in Sortie event) and Sapphires. You will earn Gallimaufry by completing objectives inside Sortie battlefields by defeating enemies and opening chests. Gil is the standard in-game currency in FFXI, but you can also use Gallimaufry to buy rewards from the Sortie Event or to upgrade your Reforged Empyrean Armor +1. 


Sortie delivers exploratory party-based battle content in which players from 1 to up to 6 have to explore huge maze-type sectors. Every area has monsters and enemies. Being a new event, the optimum pathing and strategies are still yet to be discovered. Luckily, you don’t need to look further if you are searching for the latest news and guides on FFXI. You will see all the basic information about the event in this guide.   


FFXI Sortie Guide


Participating in Sortie


Participating in Sortie requires the following prerequisites:


      •           Completed the Seekers of Adoulin mission Chapter 5 (The Light Within).
      •           Having the possession of Scintillating Rhapsody from completing The Orb's Radiance.

As Aforementioned, Sortie can be played with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 6 players.


Here’s how to participate in Sortie:


You need to speak with Ruspix in Leafallia to obtain a Key Item (Shiny Ra'Kaznarian plate).

Sortie is a party-based battle content, so to enter the Sortie, the party leader needs to interact with the Diaphanous Transposer in Kamihr Drifts. After that, the leader must select Sortie.

Every party member must meet the requirements to participate in Sortie. Once done, the party will be added to the queue.

The party leader now needs to interact with the diaphanous transposer again to participate in Sortie. You will see that the Shiny Ra'Kaznarian plate will transform into a Dull Ra'Kaznarian plate after entering the instance. 


Things You Need to Know Before Entering Sortie


Sortie battle takes place in the Outer Ra'Kaznar, which is divided into several maps and sectors. The battlefield of Ra'Kaznar is further divided into four sectors labeled as Sector A, Sector B, Sector C, and Sector D. The levels increase gradually from Sector A to Sector D along with the Gallimaufry rewards. Every sector or sub-area features several monsters and miniboss that you need to defeat to unlock the main boss encounter. The Sectors in Sortie are separated by Locked Gates that require a temporary key to open that you will acquire by defeating monsters in previous sectors. 


Here's some of the basic information that you need to know before entering Sortie:


        •         Every party must consist of at least one or a maximum of 6 players.
        •         Sortie has the time limit of 60 minutes to complete the objectives.
        •         The time limit cannot be increased, so you need to be quick.
        •         Upon entering Sortie, you only have access to Sector A, where enemies are level 120~122.

        •         The rest of the sectors will be unlocked after completing the previous sector.

        •         You will get a Ruspix's plate after talking to Ruspix just after entering the Sortie.
        •         In Sortie, you will use Keys, Plates, Shards, and Metals to your aid and progress deeper into the areas.
        •         On completing objectives, you will receive rewards in Brown, Blue, and Red chests.


Rewards and Hidden Objectives


Hidden Objectives are the main course of Sortie. Every sector in Sortie features its own list of hidden objectives which, on completion, rewards differently. You will see a running status report of your progress for hidden objectives showing how many hidden objectives are completed and how many are yet to be completed. Upon completing a certain number of hidden objectives, chest rewards spawn containing items that you can add to your personal loot pool. Each sector has seven hidden objectives, so there will be a total of 28 hidden objectives in Sortie, along with an extra objective to receive Aurum Coffer. 


Sortie features three types of chests and a single special Aurum Coffer that you can spawn in any sector randomly. It’s worth noting that players don’t need to meet the XP criteria to receive the chests’ rewards and grant the same rewards to every player in the party.


Brown Chest: This type of chest gives you around 100 Gallimaufry. It must contain temporary items that you can use to open the locked gates to other sectors, access other boss encounters, strengthen yourself, and travel quickly to other areas with the help of devices. Please keep in mind that these items are only applicable in Sortie and will disappear once you leave Sortie. However, you can easily regain these items upon re-entering Sortie.


Blue Chest: It gives you around 100 Gallimaufry. Blue Chests may have a chance to contain an Old Case and a Ra'Kaznar Sapphire.


Red Chests: This type of chest is often rare and can give you around 500 Gallimaufry. Red Chest may have a chance to contain an Old Case/Ra'Kaznar Sapphire or both.


Temporary Items


Keys: Keys are simply used to open the corresponding locked gates of sectors in Sortie.


Plates: Plates allow you to fast-travel between sectors. It also allows you to re-spawn monsters for the device's area to defeat and earn extra rewards.


Shards: Shards are often used to activate Gadgets and unlock the boss encounters.


Metal: Metal is used in battle against bosses and primarily to weaken the boss attacks.


Monsters and Boss


As mentioned above, every sector has its own miniboss and monsters’ type.

Here’re some of the few tips and information about monsters in Sortie:


Please note that the monsters in Sortie are mostly immune to doom effects.

These monsters cannot be charmed like the conventional FFXI monsters.

You can use Wide Scan to search specific areas to locate monsters.

You will encounter minibosses at any time randomly in the respective sector.

Monsters in Sortie can pass through the locked doors. So, there’s a chance that you will fight a monster from the higher-level sector.

Defeating monsters will earn you a good amount of Gallimaufry along with the chance of getting an Old Case (+1) and a Ra'Kaznar Sapphire.

Every sector has a boss that you can find locked behind a Gadget. You can access the gadget by getting a temporary shard for the respective sector.

Use Metal to approach the boss and weaken the boss’ attacks.

You will get huge rewards after defeating the boss in terms of Gallimaufry and Ra'Kaznar Sapphire for each party member.

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