
Everything You Need to Know About Grand Companies in FFXIV

Di Nightmare
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Grand Companies in FFXIV provide players with unique opportunities, rewards, and a sense of belonging in the ever-expanding realm of Eorzea. In this article, we'll explore Grand Companies' importance, their differences, and how you can join one.


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What Are Grand Companies?

Grand Companies are factions you join in the game at around level 20 as you progress through the main storyline. These organizations represent the three city-states: The Maelstrom of Limsa Lominsa, the Immortal Flames of Ul'dah, and the Order of the Twin Adder of Gridania. Each Grand Company has its unique values, lore, and hierarchy (ranks).


What Are Grand Companies


While the initial iteration of Grand Companies had its own quest chain system, the revamped and current version does not feature any specific quests. Players can perform Grand Company leves, Grand Company hunting logs, supply missions, provisioning missions, and at higher ranks, Expert Delivery to earn Grand Company seals. These Company seals are used to level up and even unlock weapons, armor, crafting materials, and other items.


How Do Grand Companies Differ from One Another?

All three Grand Companies have their benefits, but it doesn't completely change your FFXIV. And while all of them share similarities, each of them has distinct characteristics:


1. The Maelstrom (Limsa Lominsa): The Maelstrom is known for its maritime prowess and is focused on protecting the coastal city-state of Limsa Lominsa. The leader is Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn, and they value freedom, adventure, and strength.

2. The Immortal Flames (Ul'dah): The Immortal Flames are centered around the sultanate of the desert city of Ul'dah and have a mercantile and military focus. The leader is Raubahn Aldynn, and they prioritize wealth, power, and influence.

3. The Order of the Twin Adder (Gridania): The Twin Adder is dedicated to safeguarding the forested realm of Gridania. The leader is Kan-E-Senna, and they prioritize unity, harmony, and preservation.


All three Grand Companies


They all share the same sets of missions, ranks, and other rewards, while they essentially only differ in their lore and other exclusive cosmetic rewards.


How to Join/Change a Grand Company?

To join a Grand Company in FFXIV, you must first reach level 20 and complete the main story quest, "A Hero in the Making." Once you complete this quest, you can decide on a Grand Company to join by visiting their headquarters in each city-state and speaking to the relevant NPC to join. The requirements and quests may differ slightly for each faction, but the general procedure is the same.


It's important to note that joining a Grand Company is not a permanent decision. While choosing a faction that aligns with your character's values and story progression is recommended, you can switch Grand Companies later on by paying a fee.


Switch Grand Companies


To change your Grand Company, you should reach the rank of Second Lieutenant in your current Grand Company and then head to the Headquarters of the Grand Company you'd like to transfer to. It is free on your first transfer, and after that, you need to pay a fee of 50,000 Gil. You can change your Grand Company once every 15 days, and the Company Seals you earn in one Grand Company won't transfer over but will remain at your old company if you ever transfer back.


In conclusion, Grand Companies provide the adventurers of Eorzea numerous benefits and add to the role-play element of the game. By joining a Grand Company, you unlock access to unique gear, promotions, and a chance to shape your character's story within the game's immersive world. So, choose your faction to fit your character, rise through the ranks, and embrace the adventures that await you in Final Fantasy XIV.


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