
FFXIV Alexander Gordias Floor 2: Alexander- The Cuff of the Father

Di John Ryan
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Before Final Fantasy XIV Patch 3.1 online, Alexander: Gordias is the most important dungeon for all players to collect equipment. If you want to prepare for the coming Ver.3.0, it is not late. Let’s go into Alexander: Gordias together with Mmogah.

FFXIV Alexander Gordias Floor 2: Alexander- The Cuff of the Father

Alexander - The Cuff of the Father or A2 is the second floor of Alexander: Gordias. It requires the players to have an average item level (iLvl) of 170 or above to enter. To unlock The Cuff of the Father, you must complete the level 60 quest Disarmed by talking to Slowfix in Idyllshire (x7, y6). Players are required to complete the Main Scenario Quest Heavensward (Quest). And you need to unlock the first floor Alexander - The Fist of the Father as well. Here is another article about Alexander - The Fist of the Father.

Just like The Fist of the Father, players could obtain 20 Allagan Tomestone of Law and 2 Tokens for the completion of The Cuff of the Father. Here is a video that shows the overall process.

The Cuff of the Father is a series of waves of enemies. They must be killed in a certain order to ensure the survival of your group. There is also a blue magitek robot which 1 or 2 raiders can choose to mount into.

The Magitek armor is important for the fight! They have the ability to deal damage to the enemy, put a vulnerability debuff on the enemy, and most importantly, have the ability to drag the bombs which will spawn. The bombs have a wide explosion radius and stack a fire damage taken debuff on anyone hit. Make sure to fight the enemies on one side of the arena so that the bomb can be taken to the opposite corner and prevent raid damage.

The Kill Order is as thus:

l  Red Magitek Suits of Armor Boomtype Magitek Gobwalker

These enemies can inflict debuffs on the raid, they are a priority to kill.

l  Tall Robot Knights Jagd Dolls

Not overly difficult, just can cause a lot of damage if not careful.

l  Big Goblins Gordian Hardhelms and Gordian Hardminds

Again, not much of a threat, but they have more health than the smaller enemies

l  Little Goblins Gordian Soldiers and Gordian Snipers

More trash mobs, deal with them to reduce the number of enemies attacking the tank.

l  Gigantic Robot Machines Magitek Gobwidow G-IX

Save these for last, they are easy enough to take down, but have an AOE. If only one is spawned, tank it separately from the rest of the enemies until they are dealt with. Otherwise try to avoid having many of these in one area.

Compared with other floors, A2 is easier. If your team has rushed A1, you can complete A2 easily. Ilvl 190 equipment is waiting for you. Of course, if it is dropped.

In fact, for most players who never have gone to Alexander: Gordias the most important question is ilvl. How to upgrade ilvl fast? The fastest way is to buy crafting equipment from MB with FFXIV Gil. Here also is another way FFXIV Power Leveling. FF14 Power Leveling at Mmogah provide Allagan Tomestone Power Leveling as well. You just need to pay a few dollars than get your Allagan Tomestone instead of doing it by yourself day by day.

FFXIV Alexander Gordias Floor 2: Alexander- The Cuff of the Father

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