
FFXIV Patch 3.4 Housing and Side Story Quest Preview

By Helen Keller
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After introducing FFXIV Patch 3.4 Main Scenario and Dungeon Preview, now Mmogah will further introduce Housing and Side Story Quest preview.


Housing System

Apartments: An apartment building has been added to every ward and corresponding subdivision. Before purchasing an apartment, players must first attain level 50 with at least one class. Furthermore, players must have attained the rank of second lieutenant in the Maelstrom, the Order of the Twin Adder, or the Immortal Flames. Each apartment building can house up to 90 tenants, with each room costing 500,000 gil. Players are allowed one apartment per character. Furthermore, it is possible to own both an estate and an apartment.


Mist: The Topmast


The Lavender Beds: Lily Hills


The Goblet: The Sultana’s Breath


Aquariums: After catching fish from the various reaches of Eorzea, you can put them on display using an aquarium in a free company estate, personal estate, private chamber, or apartment. Please note there is a limit of one aquarium per estate or apartment, as well as one per private chamber.


Orchestrion: Upon accessing the orchestrion, the playlist interface will be displayed. You can choose from one of three playback modes using the buttons located at the bottom of the interface, or via subcommands after selecting a song. More details are in the official website.


Side Story Quest

Further Hildibrand Adventures: What strange twists and turns fate takes! For I, Hildibrand, agent of enquiry, inspector extraordinaire, now find myself father to Gigi, the loveable scamp who has yet to regain his missing memories. Regretfully, we have made no substantial progress of late, but perhaps an investigation into these rumors of criminals masquerading as famed knights will provide a welcome distraction. Aye, have no fear, fair maidens of Ishgard! Hildibrand Helidor Maximilian Manderville shall bring these rogues to justice!


Saint Endalim’s Scholasticate: Great change is sweeping through Ishgard, yet unknown forces would fan the lingering flames of discord between lowborn and highborn. To make matters worse, a student of the seminary is now missing, along with a volume of the Articles of Halonic Polity. Tensions are at an all time high, and it's up to Briardien and the Warrior of Light to uncover the truth and restore order to the scholasticate.


Above all, if you want to have an apartment, your character level must surpass the limit (level 50 with at least one class), which means that unqualified folks you all should hurry up to boost your characters so that smoothly play the new patch 3.4 when it was released. If you think that you level up characters so slowly by yourselves or have little time to boost, and then you can find a professional ffxiv power level website to help you boost your characters. Searching “ffxiv power leveling” in google, MmoGah is your first choice. Place an order at and it will never let you down.

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