
Is FFXIV Worth Playing in 2025

Di Penny
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As we step into 2025, the question on many gamers' minds is whether Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) still holds its charm and allure. With over a decade of content, numerous expansions, and a dedicated player base, FFXIV has established itself as a cornerstone in the MMORPG genre. But with the gaming landscape constantly evolving, is it still worth diving into the world of Tural in 2025? In a recent video, Pyra addressed the ongoing discussions surrounding the state of Final Fantasy XIV and its future. Let's see what her thought is.


 Is FFXIV Worth Playing in 2025


Recently, numerous YouTube videos have posed questions like, "Is Final Fantasy XIV dead?" or "Is it dying?" These claims have sparked curiosity and debate about the game's current state. Having played the game since A Realm Reborn launched in 2015, Pyra observed a recurring pattern: after each expansion, many creators produce sensationalized videos claiming a drop in player numbers or a general decline in the game's popularity. This cycle, she explained, is not new.



As you embark on your adventures in Tural in 2025, having a stash of FF14 gil can significantly enhance your gaming experience. Whether you're aiming to acquire the latest gear, craft rare items, or simply enjoy the various in-game activities without financial constraints, purchasing gil can provide you with the freedom and flexibility to fully immerse yourself in the game. By investing in gil, you can save time and focus on what truly matters – exploring the rich lore, engaging in epic battles, and building lasting memories with fellow adventurers. So, why wait? Boost your journey and make the most out of your FFXIV experience by securing some gil today!


However, the current situation is unique because Dawntrail marks the beginning of a new story arc following the conclusion of the Hydaelyn and Zodiark saga with Endwalker. Many players, satisfied with the conclusion of that arc, have naturally moved on to other games. Therefore, this shift is expected, as some players were primarily invested in the previous narrative.


Additionally, there is a significant influx of players during the Shadowbringers and Endwalker eras due to the "WoW Exodus." Many players from World of Warcraft joined Final Fantasy XIV during this period, causing an unusual spike in player numbers. As some of these players and content creators return to WoW or other games, the current decline in numbers appears less surprising.


However, Dawntrail provides the development team with a unique opportunity to experiment with new ideas and take risks. Yoshida Naoki (Yoshi-P) has previously stated that this expansion would be a chance to explore different directions without the constraints of long-term expectations tied to the previous saga. While some players may find certain aspects of Dawntrail polarizing, this experimentation is necessary to ensure the game's longevity.


Current State

Regarding the current state of the game, Pyra acknowledged that endgame and raid-focused content is plentiful, but casual and mid-core content is lacking. As a long-time raider, she expressed satisfaction with the available raid content but sympathized with players seeking more exploration zones or relic grinds, which have yet to be added in Dawntrail. She theorized that the developers might be strategically delaying casual content to avoid competing with other major games currently dominating players' attention.



So, the perceived downturn is a natural part of the game's lifecycle. Final Fantasy XIV is a game that operates in cycles, with periods of high activity followed by quieter phases. These slower periods allow the developers to gather feedback, make improvements, and prepare for future updates.


In conclusion, the future of Final Fantasy XIV is bright. The game still offers something for everyone, whether they are new players, long-time veterans, or those returning after a break. For those feeling disheartened by recent criticisms, take a break and return when new content is released. The game will continue to thrive in the long run. So, is FFXIV worth playing in 2025? Yes!

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