
The New Race in FFXIV 3.0 AU RA

Di John Ryan
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In the 2014 FFXIV Tokyo Fan Fest,something about FFXIV 3.0 is mentioned, Square Enix revealed a new playable race, Au Ra. Basing on the information we have grasped, the Au Ra has the following design concept:


Unlike other MMOs adding new playable races regularly, SE is always cautious about it. In almost all FFXIV forums, fans have been taking a passionate discussion about the Au Ra. To some players, Au Ra is pretty and clean, but others may feel disappointed more or less. Their requests include the following aspects:

  • Au Ra is not monster-like enough.

  • The appearance is a little same as Elezen with horns and a skin disorder.

  • The skin of Au Ra is not scaled enough.

  • It may look more draconian, if Au Ra has claws.

  • The height of Au Ra is debatable, some players is worrying they are too tall, even taller than Roe.


The more discussions about Au Ra, the more attentions the players are taking. But in fact, details are still scarce, everything about Au Ra may be possible. It must bring a new experience to each player in Eorzea.

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