
Lost Ark Guide: Best Places to Excavate

Di Jessie
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In Lost Ark, one of the activities players can enjoy in the game is excavating, which allows them to find hidden treasures and relics. Excavating is one of the six trade skills in Lost Ark, and it requires a special tool called an excavator. Players can use their excavator to dig up various nodes that contain different types of items, such as ancient coins, relic traces, relic fragments, and rare relics. These items can be used for crafting, enhancing, or selling.


However, not all nodes are equal; some places have better nodes than others. In this article, we will show you the best places to excavate in Lost Ark for each tier of nodes. We will also explain the factors that affect the quality and quantity of nodes, such as the level of the area, the number of enemies, the number of competitors, and the weather conditions.


Lost Ark Excavate Guide


Tier 1 

Tier 1 nodes are the most common and basic nodes in Lost Ark They can be found in almost every area of the game, but they only contain low-quality items, such as common coins and traces. Tier 1 nodes are suitable for beginners who want to learn the basics of excavating and earn some extra money.


The best place to excavate tier 1 nodes in Lost Ark is Arid Path in Arthetine. This area has a lot of nodes scattered around, and they are easy to spot and access. The level of the area is low, so the enemies are not very strong or aggressive. The number of competitors is also low, as most players prefer moving to higher-tier areas as soon as possible. The weather conditions are also favorable, as no sandstorms or blizzards can hinder your vision or movement.


To excavate tier 1 nodes in Arid Path, you will need a basic excavator that you can buy from any trade skill merchant for 10 silver coins. You will also need some basic life energy potions that you can buy from any general merchant for 5 copper coins each. These potions will restore your life energy, which is consumed every time you excavate a node. You should aim to excavate as many nodes as possible within 15 minutes, as that is the duration of your basic excavator. You can expect to earn around 50 silver coins and 100 common traces per run.


Tier 2 

Tier 2 nodes are more advanced and rare nodes in Lost Ark. They can be found in some specific areas of the game, and they contain higher-quality items, such as uncommon coins and traces. Tier 2 nodes are suitable for intermediate players who want to upgrade their trade skill level and earn more money.


The best place to excavate tier 2 nodes in Lost Ark is Azure Wind Island south of Rohendel. This area has a lot of nodes clustered together, and they are easy to spot and access. The level of the area is moderate, so the enemies are not very strong or aggressive. The number of competitors is also moderate, as some players prefer to stay in this area for a long time. The weather conditions are also favorable, as there are no sandstorms or blizzards that can hinder your vision or movement.


To excavate tier 2 nodes in Azure Wind Island, you will need an intermediate excavator that you can buy from any trade skill merchant for 1 gold. You will also need some intermediate life energy potions that you can buy from any general merchant for 50 copper coins each. These potions will restore your life energy, which is consumed every time you excavate a node. You should aim to excavate as many nodes as possible within 15 minutes, as that is the duration of your intermediate excavator. You can expect to earn around 5 gold and 200 uncommon traces per run.


Tier 3 

Tier 3 nodes are the most advanced and rarest nodes in Lost Ark. They can be found in very few areas of the game, and they contain the highest-quality items, such as rare coins and traces. Tier 3 nodes are suitable for expert players who want to master their trade skill level and earn a lot of money.


The best place to excavate tier 3 nodes in Lost Ark is Old Yudian Canal in Platinum Field. This area has a lot of nodes scattered around, but they are hard to spot and access. The level of the area is high, so the enemies are very strong and aggressive. The number of competitors is also high, as most players want to get their hands on these nodes. The weather conditions are also unfavorable, as there are sandstorms and blizzards that can hinder your vision or movement.


To excavate tier 3 nodes in Old Yudian Canal, you will need an advanced excavator that you can buy from any trade skill merchant for 10 gold. You will also need some advanced life energy potions that you can buy from any general merchant for 5 silver coins each. These potions will restore your life energy, which is consumed every time you excavate a node. You should aim to excavate as many nodes as possible within 15 minutes, as that is the duration of your advanced excavator. You can expect to earn around 50 gold  and 300 rare traces per run.



Excavating is a fun and rewarding activity in Lost Ark, as it allows you to find hidden treasures and relics. In this article, we have shown you the best places to excavate in Lost Ark for tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 nodes. We hope this article was helpful and informative. Thank you for reading and happy excavating!



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